I've been working on a scene that has a couple single objects with quite a few materials applied to its surface. I was wondering if it was more efficient to break this object up into many different objects with just one material a piece, or to leave it as one object with many materials? My level seems to be lagging a bit and I'm wondering if this may be one of the causes.
If my memory serves me well there should be a view mode in which it shows texture complexity. And it should show you what is going to bring your system down.
As for having that many materials, I would probably try breaking it down a little, and maybe merging some textures? 56 is way too many for one object.
I'm going to break it all up and give it a try. It's a bit of a pain, but we'll see if it makes a difference.
udk has a system specifically designed to help with the construction of buildings. It's called procbuilding. Here's some info:
Unfortunately this specific project is a very unique building and it's the only one in the scene, but I definitely want to do something with that later.
Separating out all of the objects seems to have helped a bit. I also found that my master material was probably trying to accomplish a bit too much and was lagging the scene as well. Thanks again for the input both of you.