Hi guys,
I got asked if i could convert the PBR material i tried (and failed) to make before to one that would work with substance painter maps. So i did it and it mostly works fine.
I'm not sure about compatibility with .sbsar files yet, i'll need to test that out at some point, but for now simply exporting all your maps as .tga format works fine. it's important to note that the roughness map definitely needs to be changed so that it's not sRGB (double click texture in asset browser, and uncheck sRGB), some other maps "may" require this, i'm not sure if substance is converting Albedo to sRGB or keeping it linear:
This material was built in the feb2014 UDK build, if anyone wants to rebuild it in an earlier version that's up to them but i will only be supporting this version as it's the only version that doesn't bluescreen my machine after 15 minutes.
linky here!
And now for unity!