I get slight noise in my normals when rendering in 3Dsmax(Banding with Xnormals), all over the render area. I've use the settings for rendering, Hammersley with catmaull-rom.
I've tried rendering a simple object onto a plain, and still get this noise.
I've tried baking with a 16bit texture format, then transfering it to the targa, but then I get gross banding.
I'm using Targa
Any help would be great, Thank You.

Max uses dithering to emulate more colors, which could be disabled in your preferences>rendering>output dithering.
It should be ok for your texture, but if you have slight gradients, you'll then get banding.
Note that photoshop does the same when converting from 16bits to 8, it adds a slight noise, and i noticed it does it even on the gradient tool now.
Then i guess little normal color shift gets vey noticeable with high reflection.