So after my initial drawback of not getting the shelf in maya, that has now been rectified.
In engine I now get this, I think it has something to do with one of my textures on the mesh, has anyone come across this before?
It just flashes all the time.

@Cider i am not to sure what you mean by th c complier i have looked at the documentation and it talks about it, is it the popup you get in photoshop when you save your textures as a cryTif?
From looking on the internet is this correct my mesh needs to be in the objects folder of cryengine and my texture also needs to be there as well.
I can upload screenshots if needed but hopefully that is enough information, let me know and once again thank you for your help and knowledge
In my rc_log_warnings I get this;
W: 0:00 NVTT debug message: '*** CUDA driver not found.
W: 0:00 '
W: 0:00 NVTT debug message: 'CUDA driver not available for CUDA runtime %d
W: 0:00 '
Does that mean anything to anyone? My normal maps are 16bit and I use the lowQ version when saving if I try and save them as highQ I get an error;
Could not save a copy as
"C:\Users\etc" because user canceled operation (or rc.exe failed).
I am quessing one of these might be the problem?
Anyone have any good solutions?
My build I believe is the latest 3.5.8
However when I put it on my material in maya and export when in cryengine it doesn't appear in my material when I manually put it on, I get this in the console.
File not found gamesdk\users\simon\documents\maya\projects\britishvillage\sourceimages\stonewall_a_ddn.tif
[Warning] Texture does not exist [File=users/simon/documents/maya/projects/britishvillage/sourceimages/stoneWall_a_ddn.dds]
[Warning] Texture does not exist [File=users/simon/documents/maya/projects/britishvillage/sourceimages/stonewall_a_ddn.dds]
First of all I don't have a gamesdk\users\simon etc.
My actual location is;
C : \Users\Simon\Documents\maya\projects\britishVillage\sourceimages
and inside it is a .dds file, this is all very confusing
My Cryengine is here;
C : \Users\Simon\Documents\CRYENGINE_Build_PC_v3_5_8_2310_freesdk
With the GameSDK here;
C : \Users\Simon\Documents\CRYENGINE_Build_PC_v3_5_8_2310_freesdk\GameSDK
Is that a good location for it?
I also have another problem with my .cgf which says;
[Warning] Levels/BritishLandscape/Objects/stonewall.cgf: This asset is in the incorrect index format (32-bit instead of 16-bit) but does not appear to have gone through build process yet either. Disregard this message if this asset was just exported.
Hope this helps and makes sense to someone, thank you e-freak for your help and advice so far, it is much appreciated
So just to confirm my sdk is in a good location?
I should then have a object folder and texture folder in their that my objects directory is in maya so that the export goes smoothly?
Thanks again for looking at this and will update when I have tried this.
The object stuff is now all working, for some reason I have to add normal maps in the engine it doesn't recognise when I export from maya. But as said I got it working with your help!