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Cryengine texture compiler

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Sharvo keyframe

So after my initial drawback of not getting the shelf in maya, that has now been rectified.

In engine I now get this, I think it has something to do with one of my textures on the mesh, has anyone come across this before?

It just flashes all the time.



  • e-freak
    well, the good news is, that it found your material and textures, the bad news is (if it doesn't go away) that it can't compile them. Check your material in the material editor and see what's happening with your tif files.
  • Cider
    check the texture one more time, drop your texture directly in rc compiler, if it's doent work- try to find rc compiler from older CE version
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Thanks again e-freak for your advice i will once again check this when i get home as your last advice helped. Im glad they are sort of in though :)

    @Cider i am not to sure what you mean by th c complier i have looked at the documentation and it talks about it, is it the popup you get in photoshop when you save your textures as a cryTif?
  • e-freak
    The RC is a little tool that converts all assets to game ready assets. For your textures that means it converts the TIF to a DDS. The Tif files are the uncompressed texture files you generate in Photoshop, the DDS is the DirectDrawSurface Texture that is compressed based on the settings that the RC uses (if you save the Tif with CryTif it will store the settings the RC is using in the texture and allows you to compress differently based on if its a diffuse or a normal map for example).
  • Cider
    i mean try to drop your texture as TIFF or CRYTIFF to the folder where file located when CE runs on background, then open CE root folder\bin 32 or 64\rc and drag your tiff directly on the rc application file manually, it will make DDS file for you. sometimes it's helps
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Ok I think im starting to get the hang of this :) thank you for your patience! So, I decided to just try a diffuse texture and it now says replace me. I think the reason for these things are that my object is in my levels folder not the object folder and my texture is in my maya directory.
    From looking on the internet is this correct my mesh needs to be in the objects folder of cryengine and my texture also needs to be there as well.
    I can upload screenshots if needed but hopefully that is enough information, let me know and once again thank you for your help and knowledge :)
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Ok, I got my object in with diffuse and spec, however normal maps are not working for some reason...

    In my rc_log_warnings I get this;
    W: 0:00 NVTT debug message: '*** CUDA driver not found.
    W: 0:00 '
    W: 0:00 NVTT debug message: 'CUDA driver not available for CUDA runtime %d
    W: 0:00 '

    Does that mean anything to anyone? My normal maps are 16bit and I use the lowQ version when saving if I try and save them as highQ I get an error;
    Could not save a copy as
    "C:\Users\etc" because user canceled operation (or rc.exe failed).

    I am quessing one of these might be the problem?
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Ok, it seams like few other people are getting this problem, is it worth getting an older RC? If so, how is that possible?

    Anyone have any good solutions?

    My build I believe is the latest 3.5.8
  • e-freak
    does the same thing happen with 8bit per channel normal maps?
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    No it doesn't. I think that works, however it asks me to go into 16bit and normalize map... But I can say no ant it creates it.

    However when I put it on my material in maya and export when in cryengine it doesn't appear in my material when I manually put it on, I get this in the console.

    File not found gamesdk\users\simon\documents\maya\projects\britishvillage\sourceimages\stonewall_a_ddn.tif
    [Warning] Texture does not exist [File=users/simon/documents/maya/projects/britishvillage/sourceimages/stoneWall_a_ddn.dds]
    [Warning] Texture does not exist [File=users/simon/documents/maya/projects/britishvillage/sourceimages/stonewall_a_ddn.dds]

    First of all I don't have a gamesdk\users\simon etc.

    My actual location is;
    C : \Users\Simon\Documents\maya\projects\britishVillage\sourceimages

    and inside it is a .dds file, this is all very confusing :(

    My Cryengine is here;
    C : \Users\Simon\Documents\CRYENGINE_Build_PC_v3_5_8_2310_freesdk
    With the GameSDK here;
    C : \Users\Simon\Documents\CRYENGINE_Build_PC_v3_5_8_2310_freesdk\GameSDK

    Is that a good location for it?

    I also have another problem with my .cgf which says;
    [Warning] Levels/BritishLandscape/Objects/stonewall.cgf: This asset is in the incorrect index format (32-bit instead of 16-bit) but does not appear to have gone through build process yet either. Disregard this message if this asset was just exported.

    Hope this helps and makes sense to someone, thank you e-freak for your help and advice so far, it is much appreciated :)
  • e-freak
    yeah you should keep everything inside the GameSDK folder. referencing textures/objects/etc from outside that folder will get messy.
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Right, will give this a try tomorrow. It's strange as Maya generally prefers everything in its projects.
    So just to confirm my sdk is in a good location?
    I should then have a object folder and texture folder in their that my objects directory is in maya so that the export goes smoothly?
    Thanks again for looking at this and will update when I have tried this.
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Well, this was itching me and I had to give it a go. e-freak I owe you a drink, I have finally got it working I have normal maps :) (I think it might be inverted but I don't mind that's easy fix.
    The object stuff is now all working, for some reason I have to add normal maps in the engine it doesn't recognise when I export from maya. But as said I got it working with your help!
  • e-freak
    hey that's good news. youre probably right about inversion of the normalmap. the greenchannel is inverted between maya and cryengine, so flip the channel in photoshop and see if its looking better :)
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