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Thread for polycounters who are really bad at drawing and feel embarrassed about it.

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ysalex interpolator
Also known as the poly count school for people who can't draw good and stuff.

So inspired by the number of people in the 'Does a good 3D Artist need to be a good 2D Artist?' who don't know how to draw, I decided to create this thread.


So if you suck at 2d and want to participate, please, post your awful shit.

Hopefully if enough awful 2d artists like myself are willing to post, we can get better together.

Post your awful work, and resources for getting better.

And for people who are not awful, please don't post. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeLCx-CXmgM"]Parks and Recreation - Gortar - YouTube[/ame]


  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Here is my first awful drawing. Its my first attempt at a digital drawing ever, and only drawing I've done in 4 or 5 years.

  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Just thinking of this makes my hart pound.

    Not sure if concepts are ok?
    If their are, trying to do concepts for my upcoming personal project.

    My resources is: www.ctrlpaint.com
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Haha ysalex, I also tried to draw a frog awhile ago (after watching a ctrl paint vid on different techniques). 2d is something I'd like to improve upon but I don't feel I have the dedication at the moment to improve (Especially when I always have something 3d to do). And yes the thread title fits.


    Obligatory "Kill me" caption... oh god, the eyes...
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Should learn with us bek. I'm going to do one 30 min to hour session a day from now. I've kept it up a week so far.
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    Great idea for a thread! Reminds me of my failed sketchbook at Conceptart.org which contains a grand total of four drawings, harharhar!

    Not sure if they count as awful, though. For each drawing I spent hours constructing the perspective and then rendering them. That's how I tried to make up for my inability to draw in a more freeform, natural way.

    I wouldn't necessarily recommend this method, though, because as you can see I got bored with it very quickly. :poly111:
  • WadeWT
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    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    My local games industry works almost entirely on phone games which means there's usually smaller teams so there's more generalists and less specialists and also that there's a lot of 2D art required.

    I'm also just starting my third year of university where we're doing a final year project so I took the opportunity to try and do some concept art for my team's game and practice my 2D skills along the way.

    This is progress entirely over the past four weeks or so with many many many horrible failures in between. I think I'm actually starting to get kind of decent at it, though.

    edit: as for resources I basically watched a bunch of FZD videos. I watched some ctrl + paint, and Art Stuff!

    Despite how lacking the FZD videos are in actual instruction I probably picked up the most from them.

  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Aw yes! I'm horrible with sketchbooks and getting going with contests and such, but it could be fun to improve in general with other artists.
    I've been posting things privately for a little over a year now here:

    I should note that I had never really drawn or painted seriously before this blog, I had always worked in 3d and decided 2d was useless to me.:poly127:

    I'll start posting updates here too. :)


    Maybe I won't post here, haha. I re-read your first post and not that I think I'm any good at this 2d thing, but I am past the point of being embarrassed about how bad my work is. (still bad, but progress so hey!) Good luck with progress fools!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    One of the things that excites me most about my Industrial Design course at the moment is that I'm finally learning to sketch properly. We're only a little way in so I don't have much to show for it yet, but they're very big on weeding out bad technique quickly.

    One thing they're very big on is confidence of linework. We're not allowed to use pencils in any of the classes - if you put down a line it's in ink and it's staying there.

    The other thing that we've covered briefly is avoiding "chicken scratching" - going over and over lines with little short strokes. Now this was only covered very briefly at the end of the last class this afternoon, but an exercise that you can use to help develop your linework and also warm up before you start drawing is drawing lines and circles.

    Basically you start off with a scrap piece of paper and draw single, long heavy lines across it, left to right or right to left. Do them in rapid succession and try to keep them straight. Use your shoulder and elbow for movement, not just your wrist.

    Once you've got yourself a bunch of lines it's time for circles. Draw yourself a good sized circle lightly initially and continue going around and around it getting heavier as you go, using your elbow and shoulder. Draw quickly, but try to stay within the same circle.

    Exciting stuff. It does definitely loosen you up ready for some proper drawing though.

    Like I said, I'm just starting out, but I'll throw any more useful tips I learn up here and maybe toss up some crummy art when I have something too.
  • -Em'-
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    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8
    I can only recommend you guys to look to this facebook groupe called SpitPaint, really motivating to see pro tips and tech : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1402563099961950/

    also, everybody is free to join and try himself on every subjects !
  • AbKI
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    AbKI polycounter lvl 6
    I made an effort to learn to draw a bit better this year. I'm not sure if this helps, but forcing myself to use a hard edged brush with a high opacity helped me to actually think about defining the shapes I was putting down rather than hiding behind smudges and blending.

    This is an awesome thread. :)
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    I like this thread, its a nice thread.
    Will post some visual diarrhea soon.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Jackablade I really like that warmup exercise. I did mine with a wacom and photoshop.

    I dont really feel much looser, weird.

  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    My drawings are too much rely on the lines. They're dirty sketches rather than paintings. I could never wrapped my head to actual painting stuff (using and mixing brush strokes, using different color tones to suggest shapes and volumes) I wish to be able to 'paint' stuff.

    This is how I sketch by using pen.
    And same thing but digitally.

    And when using brushes and color stuff..

  • Serphantim
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    Serphantim polycounter lvl 3
    Hey everyone,

    First post over here. Mostly been working on improving my 3d capabilities while also trying to learn some handpainted texturing techniques. I feel that in the netherlands (where I live) being good at both 3d and 2d would be a major plus to land a job so I have been trying to improve both those skills.

    Unfortunatelly my 2d skills are simply horrible and I have a hard time doing most of the texture work on my characters/assets etc. Below some screenshots of what I have done since i've started with the handpainted texturing.

    http://puu.sh/7m7Zc.jpg Grass texture
    http://puu.sh/7m801.jpg Magma texture
    http://puu.sh/7m81L.jpg Darker magma texure
    http://puu.sh/7m83E.jpg texture sheet for current wip character
    http://puu.sh/7m88E.jpg Wip character

    Currently practising mostly by just making stuff and following a variety of tutorials including the ones posted by metric meditation who also visits these forums.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    Nice thread, don't be shy guys :). Best i could do in ~20 mins

  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    This thread sounds like a great idea. I'm horrible at drawing. I'd like to be really good at 2D work but lately I've been doing 3D work almost 70 hours a week! Concept art is more creative and I really like it. 3D I feel like I'm tracing lines lol.

    I've always drawn a lot growing up. Whenever I try to learn those drawing exercises I get frustrated at how difficult and mundane they are.

    I have no idea what I'm doing :(
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    The only thing I can draw sort of okay sometimes: stupid cartoony characters. And even then I usually spend WAY too much time on them and hide bad lines/shapes with sloppy details. Anyway. I did some live drawing. A while ago. Planning on picking it up again next week and motivate myself to go to at least a session a week. My main problem is that I can go months without drawing a thing and not really feeling the need to. Which does nothing for improvement.

    I'd be 100x better at my job if I drew a lot. I think most people would. So let's do this!

    This is a great thread for motivation :)

    This is an autoportrait because I didn't want a Facebook selfie.


    Will post truly awful live drawings when I go to next Wednesday's session.
  • Luke003
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    Luke003 polycounter lvl 8
    I like the idea of this thread. I'm usually so incredibly embarrassed my drawings that I rarely post them, even though I know the feedback could be beneficial. Lately, I have been doing more actual studying and seeing some improvement though. Especially with anatomical proportions and perspective. I know I have a LONG way to go, so here's to improving.



  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Im glad to see people posting. Here is my bad sketch for the night. My desk. Very little light in here.

    Thats a candle. Wont day I wont have to express what objects are what, people will be able to tell!

  • AA3D
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    AA3D polycounter lvl 3
    awesome thread ysalex
    drew a BIG smile on my face :D
    a place where i can post my chicken scraps without feeling out of place . hell yeah



    about an hour for the first image and a lot less for the last

    i can get some decent paintings sometimes .. but god it takes days and days
  • BlueDog
    Great idea ysalex here is my first drawing to show pretty quick as I did not have a lot of time.

  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    My attempt to paint this shark.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Great idea ysalex
    -Em'- wrote: »
    I can only recommend you guys to look to this facebook

    Don't got a facebook and don't want one i'd like this thread to keep going though.
    Perhaps those gents can come on over to the site and this thread and update us as they go and help and all that jazz.

    Will try to make use of this thread, some posters don't see too horrible.
  • Zh4ngZ13
    Well put ysalex.


    I'm ex 3d generalist student. Pretty late in the game, hope to pick 2d skills for the joy.
    Suggest everyone to get Scott Robertson's how to draw book...Closest to a poly modeller and i hope we can have fun drawing together.

    Gonna brush up my 3d too as i go.
  • Nomad6
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    Nomad6 polycounter lvl 4
    Fun thread!
    I've been a bit into zombies lately.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Possibly my worst yet. Supposed to be a cabin at dusk, looks more like a building under-water.

  • ripper351
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    ripper351 polycounter lvl 5
    I love this thread. Here is a cross post from my sketchbook thread that I just started the other day. I am a high school student wanting to attend gnomon and I am working on traditional skills now so this thread is perfect. Here are some portraits, gesture drawings, and random sketches.
    Crits Welcome ;)





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