Im working on a workflow which uses Mudbox as a way to sculpt more detail into tree's. The problem im facing is during texturing. When my tree has been UV mapped into several parts (up to 10 sometimes), i can't place all the parts into the square, the reason being if i do it, the textures will be very low-res, so therefor i have to prioritize some and make them bigger etc.
Is there a way to have two UV sets, simply to place some parts here and some parts there if you see what i mean.
Hope im clear enough!
My problem is that i can't and im not able to fit all the islands into the square, without getting huge loss of quality, because when im using projection in Mudbox to paint the bark on the tree, the "bigger" the island is on the UV, the more detail it gets, and the smaller parts get less detail.
See my problem now?
If you have the same material on 2 different meshes they will share the textures so you can check right away if your paint is working.
I'd just use the tiling plane TBH. Import both part of the tree with the unique and 1 overlap part, paint on this (as it will be reflected on the other overlapped parts)
Make maybe a rough pass on the actual tree, or even laying out my flow with help of a texture on the tree itself (as it will paint on all parts at once), then create a tiling plane and finish it there. Sculpt and Bake this tiling plane and use sculpt using map on the tree to see if it's working as intended (never tried to sculpt using map on an overlapped UVs mesh, but worth a try).
If it's not what's you're looking for then I have no clue.
Having multiple UV sets is different- that's used for things like lightmapping and special effects.
That being said, its usually a bad idea to divide your object up, and if you want more resolution you can either make a larger texture or pack your uv's smarter so there is less unused space.