Are there any good documents, tutorials, guides, tips about it (best for free)? I'm interested in Environment Art and I want to get knowledge how to start with it. Help me, please. Thanks in advance for any links
What you'll find is that there isn't one way to do modular design that works for every game but a general set of ideas and guiding principles that help you create new modular systems that meet the needs of whatever game you are working on/with/for.
Wow, there are tons of information. I've something to read in the evenings. Especially Mount&Blade one cause it's in Polish and I come from Poland I didn't even know that something like that exists. It'll help me a lot. Thank you so much guys
If someone have any other stuff, please, share it with me - it's never too much :P
Be sure to check out the "Modular Mount And Blade" pages:
Also be sure to check out Thiago Klafke's modular tutorial:
Also, Joel Burgess goes over the methodology they used on Skyrim:
Also, an oldie but a goodie:
What you'll find is that there isn't one way to do modular design that works for every game but a general set of ideas and guiding principles that help you create new modular systems that meet the needs of whatever game you are working on/with/for.
If someone have any other stuff, please, share it with me - it's never too much :P