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3dsMax2012 keybinds to 3dsMax2014

polycounter lvl 13
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maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
Is it possible to import my 3dsmax 2012 keybinds to 3dsmax 2014? I have hundreds of keybind changes and really don't want to take 10 or so hours copying my keybinds note by note.

So naturally you'd go to Customize User Interface and click "Load..." but it would seem max 2014 uses .kbdx files for this while max 2012 creates .kbd files.


  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    I have a suspicion you might be able to load them in by just renaming the file, but if that doesn't work, use this script I just wrote. it outputs to the listener and you'll need to copy-paste the text into your .kbdx file, but it's 8 a.m. and it's all I can fit in before work.

    Change the path at the bottom of the script to where your file lives, ofc.

    fn convert_kbd_to_xbdx _file=(
    	f = openfile _file
    	format "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<ADSK_KBD>"
    	while not eof f do(
    		l = readline f
    		bits = filterstring l " "
    		chunk1 = (filterstring bits[1] "=")[2]
    		chunk2 = bits[2]
    		if bits.count==4 then(
    			chunk3 = bits[3]
    			chunk4 = bits[4]
    			chunk3 = ""
    			for b=3 to bits.count-1 do(
    				if b<bits.count-1 then(
    					chunk3 = chunk3+bits[b]+" "
    					chunk3 = chunk3+bits[b]
    			chunk4 = bits[bits.count]
    	format "<shortcut fVirt=\"%\" accleleratorKey=\"%\" actionID=\"%\" actionTableID=\"%\" />\n" chunk1 chunk2 chunk3 chunk4
    	--format "%\n" bits
    	format "</ADSK_KBD>\n\n"
    close f
    convert_kbd_to_xbdx @"C:\Users\CW\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit\enu\UI\MaxStartUI.kbd"
  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
    Thank you for going out of your way to write the script CW. Means a whole lot.

    Renaming the file and then using it doesn't work just to clarify for anyone else.

    Edit* - I was curious why this change even happened without much mention so I looked for other work arounds (For people not as fortunate to receive or write a script). when I first created the thread I didn't make the best keyword google searches on the topic. But I found out from a really random source that you can do a simple fix.

    When searching for the kbdx file in max 2014 write "*.*" in the name field and press enter and then the .kbd's will show up and be readable. I've tested that as well and it works just as well it would seem!...
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