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Maya real size issue

Hey guys,
I'm agian here with an issue with Maya and real size modelling..
I'm trying to model out a Boeing 777-300ER for personal purposes (practice and learning)and I got the following issues:

- Found out great blueprints, have positioned and aligned in Photoshop to import in Maya BUT:

I want the airplane follows the real size due the use I want to give on X-plane10 ("simulator"..) SO: I've changed the units in Maya to meters but Maya really trolls a lot with the views while zooming in/out and with selections of everything (selects a part or nothing of vertex, edges, faces, etc) why does that happen and how to fix it?

- The values of scaling/size/etc are un units? 1 maya unit = 1 m/cm/ft/etc as selected in preferences? for example: the "channel box": values are in maya units as choose in preferences?

- If I make a cylinder 73.1mts long as it should be it absolutely looks absurd and is impossible to model due the zoom in/out problem and oversized shape

- If the blueprint has few pixels oustide the end of each side of the airplane and I scale the blueprint to real size then the airplane will end up being bigger than what it is... then how to reach real size?

- If I scale the blueprint real size and make a cylinder separately real size absolutely sizes don't match!

this is getting a mess LOL
thank you so much in advance and sorry for the big text :D


  • Kel-Shaded
    Offline / Send Message
    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6
    Once worked on a title and had a similar problem which tbh I just worked around,
    which was to model at the smaller/normal size, then right click select all, group, and scale to 100 then export and undo.
    I did streamline that in the end with an exporter but that was my process.
  • Harbinger
    Offline / Send Message
    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    There really shouldn't be any problem working in whatever scale you want, as long as you adjust your perspective and orthographic cameras accordingly. Select your cameras, go to their attributes, and change the near clip plane to 1 and the far clip plane to 100000.
  • HGC125
    Kel-Shaded wrote: »
    Once worked on a title and had a similar problem which tbh I just worked around,
    which was to model at the smaller/normal size, then right click select all, group, and scale to 100 then export and undo.
    I did streamline that in the end with an exporter but that was my process.

    Is not really a precise solution.. and still remains the rest of problems and dubts :(
  • HGC125
    Harbinger wrote: »
    There really shouldn't be any problem working in whatever scale you want, as long as you adjust your perspective and orthographic cameras accordingly. Select your cameras, go to their attributes, and change the near clip plane to 1 and the far clip plane to 100000.

    Doesn't work, still happens all the same issues :'(
  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    to zoom in on an area just select some verticies and hit f... now the camera will orbit around those area...
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