Hey guys,
I'm agian here with an issue with Maya and real size modelling..
I'm trying to model out a Boeing 777-300ER for personal purposes (practice and learning)and I got the following issues:
- Found out great blueprints, have positioned and aligned in Photoshop to import in Maya BUT:
I want the airplane follows the real size due the use I want to give on X-plane10 ("simulator"..) SO: I've changed the units in Maya to meters but Maya really trolls a lot with the views while zooming in/out and with selections of everything (selects a part or nothing of vertex, edges, faces, etc) why does that happen and how to fix it?
- The values of scaling/size/etc are un units? 1 maya unit = 1 m/cm/ft/etc as selected in preferences? for example: the "channel box": values are in maya units as choose in preferences?
- If I make a cylinder 73.1mts long as it should be it absolutely looks absurd and is impossible to model due the zoom in/out problem and oversized shape
- If the blueprint has few pixels oustide the end of each side of the airplane and I scale the blueprint to real size then the airplane will end up being bigger than what it is... then how to reach real size?
- If I scale the blueprint real size and make a cylinder separately real size absolutely sizes don't match!
this is getting a mess LOL
thank you so much in advance and sorry for the big text

which was to model at the smaller/normal size, then right click select all, group, and scale to 100 then export and undo.
I did streamline that in the end with an exporter but that was my process.
Is not really a precise solution.. and still remains the rest of problems and dubts
Doesn't work, still happens all the same issues