Final Render:

Hello All!
Working on a fan pattern cobblestone texture.
My main goal on this project was to push myself more toward a stylized look with a lot of eye rest, forcing myself to get away from relying on a realistic treatment and explore how to treat the stones as well as rendering it out in Marmoset 2. And in doing so sharing whatever I may find along the way.
I have attached progress shots up until this point including sculpt and diffuse pass.
Look forward to C&C!

urgaffel- Thank you for your comments! Based on your feedback I adjusted the diffuse pass on the stones base colors.
As well I have darkened the color of the stones and added a dirt pass.
The dirt feels a bit noisy and realistic too me and there still may be a bit too much aqua color coming through.
I am going to do another pass on the dirt and add more definition to the stones themselves.
Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Hey Josh, here's what I might do. I put the grime onto the edges of the tiles, and removed the sharp highlights (the spec map should do that part usually). I might have done more if I had the normal map to work from...
ScoobyDoofus- Thank you for taking the time to do a paint over and your feedback. I removed a lot of the edge highlights on this new pass and what edge highlights that are there now are more focused areas of wear and chipping.
Last night I ripped everything out and rebuilt it from the group up. Dialed back saturation on stones overall, darkened them. Applied overlay maps such as AO, height, etc differently.
I started another treatment on the surface of the stones based on these changes and used a couple of new brushes to give a harder edged look to the brush strokes.
Continuing to pound away at this and thank you for the feedbacks.
I set up 3 renders, a rounded cube, cylinder, and sphere.
Look forward to thoughts and feedback on which render looks better and other comments and critiques.
@Fenyce- Thank you for your feedback. I received similar feedback from others and have made changes.
@slosh- Thanks!
Thank you for the comments and feedbacks!
And yes, I'd too would love to know how you did setup the rocks for the fen.
I will put together a breakdown soon, possibly this weekend, of how I set everything up to create the stone layout. I can provide more info if you guys would like.
Here is an overview on how it was set up in Photoshop.
Any other questions just shout.
Nice work dude.
I prefer the version without water. Your water doesn't look natural to me, it seems like it doesn't reflect anything, it's way too blue.
Moreover the mud next to the water should look wet.
Aside from that it looks perfect
I am going to revisit the water tonight as I am having trouble getting it to read correctly in Marmoset 2. Ill work on updating the dirt to appear more like a mud as well.
I tried 2 variations of the water tonight. The first I toned back the saturation on the blue. The second I added more brown to the water to make it feel like its dirty.
Look forward to thoughts and critique. Appreciate it!
You should make the mud just next to the water a bit more wet. For now it looks like the water doesn't spread into the mud. But it's only a minor tweak.
Have you tried these values for water and mud from the PBR theory document Marmo has up?
@Sebvhe- Tweaked the mud per your suggestion.
@Nuclear Angel- Added more render views :-)
Thanks for your continued feedbacks!
Look at your renders from your first post and compare them to the last ones. Yous see that the last ones read much more realistic while still beeing stylized, good job !