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《《 Won't you pick apart my portfolio 》》

polycounter lvl 9
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Chase polycounter lvl 9
I feel like it's still on the bare side of things and could use at least one complex model design. It'd make me feel more comfortable skill wise at least. Take a gander and feel free to give me your thoughts:

Chase Markham's Portfolio


  • Sean VanGorder
    Couple things right off the bat. I want to be able to see big high res versions of the images, and I want to be able to save them to my computer. Generally an image viewer that prevents that (like lightbox or what your site is using) is frowned upon. I'd make the thumbnails much bigger as well, or get rid of them all together. I don't think you currently have enough content to justify categorizing your work just yet.

    I'd put your contact info, at least your email address, on your images. That way if someone saves them and comes back to them later they know where they came from.

    I'm generally not a fan of Carbonmade sites. I'd possibly look into other site builders such as Squarespace or Dunked, as they offer much more flexibility and have themes better suited for portfolio sites.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Definitely valid points Sean. Ill make those changes and look into an alternative website. How do you think the models themselves hold up? Appreciate the insightful comments!
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    The highpoly model is not presented well. The faked reflection does not correspond correctly with the model itself, and it looks awkward. All the extra colors made me think this was not a highpoly model but a game model. The green painted squiggles on it looks very rushed and not thought out. Look at how others have presented their high poly models and try to follow suit. Sometimes its better to copy tried and true methods first before branching out like this.

    The handle of your knife I think is the strongest bit of work you've done so far. But that blade is so small! Its like a toothpick. Maybe its meant to be a small concealed weapon, but why is the handle so big then? Personally, Id like to see it more like this.


    But again Im not sure what you're after. But for the layman (me) it looks strange. Id try to make sure everything in your portfolio is at least as good as this knife.

    I think you're on the right track! Just keep pushing it!
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the feedback Nate! I made some of those edits with the knife, though they're not to the same degree as your paint over. It is suppose to be more of a concealed weapon. Your blade looks more machete size haha. Also took away those squiggles and reflection on the gun. After mulling it over it may as well be the in game model. I looked into other portfolio websites but none of the free ones offered resolution sizes for the images. I switched to Weebly because it was more editable, but until I can afford my own site this will have to do it seems.
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