Coming soon on iOS
Generic Jack eh... so what's it about?
Generic Jack is an adventure side-scrolling runner game built using UDK for iOS devices. It uses similar mechanics to the notoriously difficult 'The Impossible Game' in the sense that your objective is to simply reach the end of the level with the least amount of tries (fails in our case). To achieve this, the player must overcome the many obstacles in their path with their trusty jump and slide buttons.
You got any screenshots?
Of Course we do
Impressive! So where can I find extra info on this project?
Well you check out our website:
Also give us a 'like' on our facebook page:
And how about a 'follow' on twitter for the triple:
So where are we up to in the development of Generic Jack? And when's it coming out!?
Well I'll be honest, I've been asking myself that last question for a long time, but now we're starting to really see things coming together so I know it will be soon, the couple of months kind of soon, it really depends on how hard it's going to be to get the game running smoothly on older devices like the iPhone 4 and 4S.
Level 1 is done... well... nearly done :P Theres just a few bits needed to be added in, Level 2 is visually complete bit needs proper camera tracks for each section and some vigorous testing. Level 3 is the main focus at the moment and it probably is the most ambitious in terms of dynamic events. The level is playable, all the boring bits are done and now the focus is creating assets and textures to flesh it out and make it look like a proper sci-fi space station (did I mention Generic Jack is going to space!). The image below is what section 1 looks like so far.
Now that we really are nearing completion (I hope) we figured it was important to get our marketing up and running so that we can start gaining a bit of interest leading up to the release. We have hired a digital marketing director to co-ordinate a marketing strategy and sort out some advertising which; to be honest should have started a while ago. We're hoping a big push involving advertising and competitions and whatnot will get the game enough attention for it to be a success.
We also have a trick up our sleeve which will make this game seem VERY interesting, we will announce this soon...