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BLewis N0deW0rld Project

Hi folks. I figured I'd work on a Node World project just for funzies and also as an opportunity to learn hard surface techniques in Zbrush. For those who don't know, Node World is another Substrata type project except this time with a cyberpunk theme. To start it off I'm working on a fodder class character who will be a sort of cyber-zombie/ninja. Here's my wip of him atm. So far everything has been done entirely in Zbrush. Lemme know what you think.



  • silvershrimp
    Looks well executed and the hard surface is nice. I don't like the design that much. It's a bit too much like the Borderlands 2 fodder character on all the promo art. I'm not a fan of the symmetry across the entire form, the bicep / shoulder join is really harsh, bicep is weird and a bit too much like a capsule and the trapezius is giant considering the musculature of the rest of the form. I guess it's a stylisation. Hope this helps as the sculpting is nice.
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  • RoadKill2222
    Thanks guys. I've never actually played borderlands but I'll look up screen shots to see what you mean. To be honest there is really no true design for this guy. I'm just making it up as I learn new techniques. I do agree with the thing about symmetry as well. I plan to address that a little bit later when I have a better idea of what the final design will be. Thanks silvershrimp for the feed back about the muscle proportions. The overly giant trap and shoulder muscles are an intentional style choice and there will be a reason for it that will be visible later as his armor progresses. As for his biceps, the capsule shape is a good point and I'll see if can fix that.

    Thanks again for the good feed back. I'll keep posting my progress and hopefully I can keep making improvements
  • RoadKill2222
    Ok so I looked up the borderlands dudes and you're right for sure. That's actually pretty funny how similar they look. It actually is the look I was going for though but I'll make sure to take measures to differentiate mine from there's a bit more. Thanks for bringing that up.

    Oh and TeriyakiStyle, there is no website or anything for Node World. Its another similar situation as Substrata just with a different topic. I think its really a purely voluntary participation. Paul Richards is the organizer.
  • Owl
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    Owl polycounter lvl 6
    Ya Ben! Will be watching!! I need to practice some of this hard surface stuff too.. maybe I will start something up too. :D
  • RoadKill2222
    Hey Hey! What's up Jesse. You should do it for sure. I've been having a lot of fun and I'm learning a lot. I've basically been watching all of Micheal Pavlovich's (spelling?)tuts and practicing those techniques on this character. The dude's amazing and really easy to follow. You should check'm out. Plus I wanna see some of those bad ass concepts you've been working on made into sculpts. Get started Jesse!!
  • RoadKill2222
    Making tiny bits of progress. Just experimenting with knee pads and boots. Through some quick pants on him so he wouldn't look so nekid. Image in OP.
  • RoadKill2222
    Had some time to do a bit more work. Changed the outfit a little bit. The pants were inspired by a clothing or cosplay designer I found on pinterest named Marcusstratus. It gives it a bit more of a ninja look.

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