After working with a base mesh(which was not good at all), I've gotten to the point where my base quads become so stretched that I can't add any details in some parts because they become distorted. What can I do to fix this mess? I tried using Zremesher, but it doesn't want to work properly for me.
This is how a line should look on a more or less even quads:
Other options include local subdivision, local retopology with zremesher, and the edgeloop tool + relax.
We'll what are you running on? My old laptop could handle at least 2mil being a cheep Dual core vaio and my new laptop about 13mill polys being a cheep AMD quad.
Enable Fast mode then if you want a bit more performance.
Also it doesn't look distorted to me it just need more geometry.
i know what u mean man
i got a 7 years old computer
in many cases i have to add details without subdeviding anymore
the way i know to avoid this is by trying to make the faces as square as possible while making the basemesh
as u can see in ur basemesh the lower lip has very wide faces .. because of that sculpting horizontally is gonna be fine ( still a little distortion ) while sculpting vertically will show big problems like in ur pictures . the other way around in the forehead area
if im late like in ur case and already started sculpting .. then qremesher does it for me . it has its down sides tho ..