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Likeness Critique

polycounter lvl 3
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Fenn polycounter lvl 3
Hey Everyone,
I just signed up for the Mastering Zbrush learning track with Ryan Kingslien's new site. It is taught by Paul Gaboury, but cheaper than the master class. This class does not offer structured critique. For Week 2 the assignment is to create a likeness bust.

This is what I have been working on this week. I got some feedback from Lee in the Polycount google hangout. I tried to adjust what he said and hopefully it is improved some.
I am pretty sure he looks human.
Matt Smith Dr. Who


  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    A good start. Matt's ears are a bit pointier looking, and tend to stick out when looked at from directly in front. The forehead creases really help define Matt's face, as well as the creases and wrinkles around the eyes. It's the little things, as well as the major structural things that really sell a likeness. Also, hair, hair is a really strong help, if you're planning to keep him bald, I do believe his head is a but rounder.
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