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Chimi Jimi
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Chimi Jimi polygon
Hey guys just going to post a wip of something im working on in my spare time here is the base mesh ill be taking into zbrush for some final detailing such as rivets and scratches.

Feedback always welcome :)

Latest Update:





  • Chimi Jimi
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey guys fixed a couple of proportion issues and did a detail pass in zbrush the rest of the detail seems to come from the diffuse when looking at the character in game hope you guys like :) i just brought in the arm for posing purposes as there is only really painted detail on them i did not smooth them in zbrush the same for the wheel the actual high polys which will be baked from have their normals smoothed

    feedback always welcome

  • Chimi Jimi
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimi Jimi polygon
    dayum i didnt realise it had been so long since i last posted time flys when your having fun after changing the base geometry to something simpler i finally got some time to sit down and texture the lil dude planning to add a small environment for him to make it more of a piece rather then just a character

  • Legion_studios
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    Legion_studios polycounter lvl 2
    Best advisor character ever, keep going man
  • AndyJB
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    AndyJB polycounter lvl 9
    Nice! Not sure if it's the render or the diffuse but I think the 'mustard' yellow might be a bit too dark? Also, I think the wires on his arms are a bit too clean and/or bright, being around moving mechanical parts I would have expected the wires to be pretty much black with dirt and oil. But I think I might be being super picky :P Good job though :)
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Update ive started putting together an environment for the lil guy its pretty much just a case of going through and texturing everything as i have all the high or mid poly's created but here is where its at so far.

    @AndyJB Totally agree with the wires i dirtied them up so they dont stand out like a nun in a prison (yer i just made that up :P) i think the colour was more down to the lighting as i changed it to a outdoor setting in marmoset and you can see how much brighter the colour is now lemme know what you think though :)

    @Legion the king of all advisors :D




    ill use imgur next time these images are tiny compared to the originals ;/
  • AndyJB
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    AndyJB polycounter lvl 9
    Ah yeah changing the lighting definitely helped! Think the added floor and loot boxes really help sell this. Really like it, good job! :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Really nice job! Would be cool to see the final images in higher res. if you get around to posting them.
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    An update on the small scene i have started bringing it all into UDK 4 and putting it all together still need to build a back wall for the scene onto texturing up the locker which goes in the middle then ill build the wall add some concrete (i think its concrete) fence like barrier inbetween the girders and then finish off the edge with some fading away concrete slabs.

    After that i may go in and retouch the Girders not quite happy with them maybe just make them flat colour in the diffuse as they just look abit noisy on the red parts.

    Any feedback is always appreciated :)



  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    i found out how to control the MipMap issues with the floor apologies for it being in the screenshot for some reason i had to be reaaly close for it to show full res :/
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Updates to the scene sorted out the mip map issues and corrected the red parts on teh girders think they look better now added a few assets still got a few things to do planning to add two edging pieces to the sides of the wall and fence to the top along with some grafitii to the wall and decals on the ground to dirty up the scene a little more :)

    hope you guys like

  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    added in the fence and had a go at fixing the materials on the back wall onto the concrete edging next and some grafitii for the scene :D

  • Chimi Jimi
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimi Jimi polygon
    update woo added in the side wall pieces, corrected the girders so they are less noisy now felt they were the eye sore of the environment and then i have started created decals for the environment :D




    Feedback always welcomed :)
  • Chimi Jimi
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey guys,

    Hope you all are doing well im going to be calling this scene done now i think it would have been cool to add some more garbage around the scene but i want to move onto something hyper realistic now thinking along the lines of forza but hopefully even nicer :P (hey i can dream!!) i learnt a shed tonne about the process for borderlands and really enjoyed working on this ill prob keep the thread and just rename it if i can :P

    Let me know what you guys think





    I ended up keeping the sky from UDK as i think it kind of works
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Very nice man! You really nailed the style :)
  • NanoTurtle
    I can barely tell this wasn't from the game itself. awesome !
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