For part of my groups cinematic for our semester B project I am modelling and texturing a room which our character will run through and out the door on the opposite side.
I have loosely based my room on the first image. We want the room to be full of junk and overgrown with foliage etc.
The last 2 images are paintovers. I'm thinking of going with having light coming through thre door which we need to get too (could also cast some nice shadows)
Any feedback would be awesome!

The shape of the grooves on the columns also aren't correct, and I wonder if they wouldn't look better following the original design. Adding polygons doesn't always improve the scene; most of the appeal in the concept is from the materials used - the porous cement, the moss, etc.
A LOT to fix up and still loads more to add, but it's starting to take more shape now so thought I would share. Ivy is looking a bit bright and need to maybe look at some more references in terms on how it grows around objects (guessing a little at the mo). Have added some puddles which also need more work. I also want to redo the fountain completely (was very rushed). Would also like to vertex paint the floor and add some dirt to the walls.
Anything else people can think / crit/ comments would be great!
An update of my scene! Looking very orange because I'm not great at lighting , but hopefully you can see where my focal point is?
Things I want to improve:
The arch
dirty up the floor
maybe redo the candles
have water coming out the fountain ! (although no idea how to do this!)
anything else? Crit welcome!
Plants growing from floor. Bad idea. Maybe add some rubble pile?
As for fountain, use particle system. As for water surface, just make flat plane (flat circle) and make a water material. Translucent iwth some bump map.
Looks really nice.
And sorry for professional english