I made a brush that has the values I like but once I start using it, the values are quickly destroyed because they immediately blend.
What I want is for the brush to stop blending values immediately or to reduce the intensity of it.
I have my opacity and flow set to 100% and nothing else is checked in the brush presets. I also tried a layer trick but it doesn't work (i.e, setting the layer opacity to 50% only nulls the purpose of the brush). Also changing the mode (ex:multiply,burn etc) doesn't work. Pencil tool doesn't retain the values (it's just a solid square).
The left is the original brush, the right is the heavy blending I don't want.
I'm not 100% sure of the effect you're trying to get, but this will give a paintbrush style effect like these:
That's exactly what I want (although I would make further modifications later). Right now, I want photoshop to stop treating the brush like it's suppose to get darker every time I make brush strokes or paint over it.
This is better but, the steps I would want to do after would require too much work.
I wanted to manually paint in value scales with the premade brush that I can make brighter/lighter on the fly (photoshop allows for this). The one obstacle ruining the whole process is once I make a stroke, photoshop sullies the whole thing by making it black rather than just leaving the brush alone.