I have been doing hand painted models for a while now, and I believe the time has come to step up my game in the 2D bussiness! ( 3D work can be found here:
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=116004 )
I learned 3D thru forums, and thru the amazing people I had the luck of getting feedback from. I wouldn't be doing what I love for a living now without those poeple! And those people are You guys!
So now I'm moving into another direction, and to learn, and get better in this direction, I move back to school.. which is here on the forums!
I hope you guys will find my stuff interesting enough to keep scrolling, or even leave a nasty comment or two
I'm doing studies nowadays, each taking
1 hour, where I focus on understanding the picture I'm
copying, in order to understand why those particular blocks of shadows, or patches of light appear at certain places.. after doing 100 of those, I probably will move on to 2 hour projects, maybe doing 100 of those, and then maybe moving to 3 hour works.. I think you got the idea!
Probably as I move to more hours, I will do more pictures, and hopefully artworks which are not copyies or studies, but original stuff whcih I currently only draw on paper..
I'm at 16 right now! these are some of the "usable" ones! (the first three took more than 1 hour)
enough talk, pictures from now
originals in order:
check them out, they are pretty good!
Great stuff, keep them coming!
the next bunch! I can only credit two of the sourca images, I found the other ones in collections where the credits are missing I'm at 22 right now! getting a tad more confident visually with each one, and I manage to find time for stuff I couldn't do in an hour before, like hands, or a full pose, which is nice! I will mix some not girl related stuff in there soon!
check them out, they are awesome!