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Decal seam when projecting on multiple meshes

Messing around with decals in UDK and I have come across this problem I cannot seem to figure out. I feel like this should be easy to fix and the answer is right in front of me. How can I remove this seam that is showing up from my underlying geo? I have used the unlit mode but there are no shadows.

I am thinking that I need to force the becal to ignore underlying surface normals but I am not sure how to do this in the material. Any ideas? Please help!!



  • Ramseus
    Offline / Send Message
    Ramseus polycounter lvl 13
    The best I've been able to manage is having geometry that kind of flares out at the bottom and then averaging the normals on the last few loops by the ground. Basically trying to get as smooth a transition as possible if you were to just look at lighting only view.

    But, I don't know, maybe you could do something weird with your material... I have no idea what though
  • njackson4190
    I have been looking for a way to do it through the material, so far I have not found much. It seems like the only way to get rid of that seam is to make the decal unlit and plug the texture into the emissive slot.. but then I do not get shadows. Maybe custom lighting would have something to do with this?
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