I'm using 3d max 2012 and i'm doing render to texture with render Metal Ray and i'm using almost default settings at this point with only differences with samples being at 1,000 and element background being black.

my materials are setup to render to diffuse and i've got Ambient Occlusion in that slot.

1) You need to increase the edge padding, that should get rid of the black lines. Here is a polycount wiki entry that helps explain what's happening.
2) Since you're rendering in MR, you might as well just render out a AO map instead of a diffuse map. When you pick the map output type, select MR AO instead of Diffuse. That way you won't need AO in the diffuse slot of the material.
well i change the padding to 18 and got even thicker lines as a result i tried it with 0 and got the same.
i'd like to also add i'm having to resave the tga file after render because if i don't it doesn't save correctly and you get this mess..
oh, if i haven't mention i'm using default lighting with a skylight on the otherside so it doesn't produce a blackspot.
So if you're baking, normal, diffuse, spec and AO, you have to remove all but one from the list, render that one map, remove it and add the next one. Wash rinse repeat until you have all of the maps you need.
It's a long standing bug that everyone works around. I think there might be some scripts that automate that process for you, you might want to check scriptspot.com
Ambient Occlusion doesn't factor in lighting, it completely ignores it. It only cares about the angle of the geometry as it relates to other parts. You could remove all of the lights or add 100 skylights and it wouldn't change the AO output.
but intressing enough i played around the with bug map and actually tried to apply it, I believe thats actually the correct texture.
yeah, well the reason why i sometimes have to save from render to frame window is because of this..
not entirely sure why it saves like that, i've played around with the settings for .TGA creation and sometimes i'm lucky and it will give me a good shot like my post before..
but other times it saves the output as this..