Open for collaboration
Can anyone help me fix the problem I am having where the dark colours in my images are crushed when uploading to Imgur, thanks.
Hey, I'm WRHerbert been hanging around here for a long time, but I'm getting into the swing of making concepts. I'll be keeping this opening post updated with all the recent stuff.

See you around.
Also, does anyone know why the colours in my image look really terrible compared to when i'm drawing in Photoshop, is it Imgur, because I've tried saving as jpg, png, tif and they all look horrible on here.
A quick bone mask for Lifestealer that could progress into a set if I can have some inspiration.
Up for grabs if anyone would like to take it forward, just message me.
Looking for collaboration as usual.
Does anyone know how to stop the ugly crushing of darks when uploading to Imgur?