Here's something I'm working on.
Here's a sketch I did that's my starting concept:
It's expanded to include another girl with axes, the two of them back to back defending a dead deer (there kill) from a surrounding pack of wolves.
I'll have to scan the other drawings and get them up here too.
Here's what I have so far.
I realized once I started modeling her hair that I had a problem. Since it's all in her face. In the drawing, I cheated and just drew her eyes through here hair. Does anyone know a way to make hair that could work like this? something in materials I'm thinking. I'm probably going to be getting my final renders from UDK, but I'd like to also make a sketchfab friendly version. Any other C&C would be appreciated as well.
I'm thinking that you mean to say that's high. There's a lot of wasted geometry still. All of tho clothing has inward faces as well. My plan was to sculpt it and then re-topo after.