I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong; I've rendered out a heightmap out of XNormal.
I've placed it under the Displacement Map option in Marmoset toolbag.
Now, I've messed with the sliders and options under Displacement mapping, it doesn't seem to do much other than balloon out the entire model. I can't get the subtle details to pop.
Any ideas as to what could be going wrong?
Any thing I need to be aware of when I render a heightmap out of Xnormal?
I think I figured this out.
In case anybody else is having trouble and finds this thread through a search:
Above the displacement option is a Subdivision tab, click that and then adjust your tessellation. Now the little details will pop out.
without them it is hard to know what the problem is really.
Thanks for the reply.
So, it looks like 173,173,173 is my mid gray point.
I'm still a bit confused. Do I enter 173 in the Scale Center box in Marmoset?
Or is it .173.
One more question if you don't mind. I see a Relative Scale checkbox (Under the Displacement tab); when I click that, it tends to balloon my object to extreme proportions. In what situation would one use that check box?
Uhhh that is a difficult one, and Jeff, the guy who wrote it and whom I would normally ask is currently on vacation. I want to say it has something to do with 32-bit floating point hdr textures, but that may not be right.
No problem
Thanks for your help.