Having a problem in zbrush that I hope someone can help me out with. I created a rock sculpt using dynamesh. I have no subdivision levels on it, and its sitting at around 1.16 million polys. I did a polypaint on it also. I now want to bake that polypainted model to a game model. Problem is Zbrush is hanging on me when I go to create the UV's for it. I assume that its just to many. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get the UV's generated in Zbrush?
Beyond that, it sounds like you might be hosed
Dynamesh is nice if you keep it low-res and use it at the beginning of your sculpt, but it has a tendency to ruin sculpts.
ps this question seems more suited to Technical Talk than Pimping
Try going to uvs, and create GUV tiles. This should work for you up into the millions of polygons and should bake down correctly.
That's what I was trying to do, and is was hanging up about 1/4 of the way through. I finally got it to work last night. It took forever to create the map, but it went through, so I should be all set now.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I think next time I will use sub division levels.
Another solution could be to be use slice to split the dynamesh into different polygroups , then unwrap using polygroups islands. It splits up the unwrap into more manageable parts. ( for your computer ).
That's good to know, I will look into that next time also. Still trying to get the hang of Zbrush.
-duplicate subtool
-zremesh it to a res you like, use guides if you want more control
-subdivide it until it has a similar res to what your dynamesh is
-then make sure only the dynameshed (with polypaint on) and the zremeshed asset are visible
-now on the zremeshed mesh hit projectall and when it prompts to bake the polypaint hit yes
-fix any errors by playing with settings or going in by hand
-now you can unwrap the low res version
-if you get errors in your UVs then you can use 'ReUV' or 'suv' in the geometry tab to smooth out your UVs in higher subdivisions, if you unwrap it in another program you can just import it seperately and then in UV master hit copy UVs and then go to your main mesh and hit Paste UVs from the UV master plug in
to get a texture (incase you need to)
-tool>Texture map>new texture (double check the res by going into texture tab)
-now go to tool>texture map>Create>New from polypaint
then just export (might need flipping because zbrush is backwards haha)
also remember that if you decimate the mesh you can also keep your UVs by just hitting the 'keep UVs' button in the decimation master menu, this is ace for getting stuff into a renderer like marmo quickly