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Marmoset 2 Problem: Albedo Brightness

polycounter lvl 8
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redhonour polycounter lvl 8
I asked about this in my P&P thread, but I thought I'd post it here in the correct forum as well.


Problem: I have a material. I have only albedo and normal maps hooked up. Gloss and Spec sliders are set to zero. There are no lights in my scene but the skylight and both mats use a copy of the same mesh with the same tangent space set to Marmoset

Why the heck is my diffuse coming in so much brighter?

I loaded a default mat included with Marmoset 2 and got rid of the spec, gloss, etc too. That albedo shows up in the engine exactly as I'd expect: looking very close to the diffuse.

Why doesn't my texture do that?


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