Have a bit of a problem with decals at the moment.
Projecting a decal onto some geometry with a Material using Opacity mask. It seems that the decal is only interacting with the geometry only, is there anything I can do to have the decal only show up on the visible portion of the material and ignore the invisible portion?
Edit: Second question (unrelated...) Can decals be cast on skeletal Mesh ?
However, I believe decals work using Emissive, not Masked. And their blend mode should be Modulate. They should still work.
If you need proper setup knowledge, take a look at one of the decals materials in udk. Tear it apart until you see what's going on.
Need the decal to not show up where the objects material is masked. (Circled)
Is that right? Are you trying to prevent the decal from appearing where there are those open holes? Are those holes not geometry? If they are, just move it further or closer.
If they are masked, well, I've never actually used a decal over masked areas like this.
So to ask again, is this what you are going at? I'm certain there are other work arounds, but I really need to clarify what you mean.