Having weapons wrapped by tape, ribbon and whatever else is super popular right now. I like the aesthetic because it adds visual interest but I don't know the best way to create the effect. Particularly, I'm trying to create the effect with real topology; not just normals.

Should I just create simple geometry in maya and move the topology around in maya/ zbrush? How do I create the tearing effects within the tape; is there a way I can just cut away at the tape in zbrush? I'm fairly new to zbrush, and particularly organic surfaces, so any help is appreciated.
You wont be able to tell if its a wrap around or just a fake..
Create cylindrical piece of fat tape/wrap, apply the skew modifier maybe some noise. Then copy, rotate and tweak them as needed, probably use a FFD modifier to push and pull parts in and out so they look like they overlap. Some of the tools in the graphite modeling tools might be helpful too, like the shift and push/pull brushes. Or maybe just take it into a sculpting app and have some fun?
You want it to be fat for a few reasons:
1) so it bakes well.
2) so it covers up the overlap easily. You don't have to worry too much about it conforming perfectly but you do want to keep it from penetrating.
It won't be one continuous piece of tape but you'll get something pretty close to the wrapping effect, close enough that most people won't pick up on it. Besides if they look close enough they'll see it's not tape at all but polys and pixels, oh no! hahaha, then their world probably implodes...