Hi there

I am recreating this environment concept piece in 3D:

I had a few questions about modelling the cabana in the scene if anyone would like to give some advice.
The cabana is made of several planks and I wondered if I should either model out a few varieties of planks with different textures and build the walls that way, or if I should just create planes for the walls, and texture them as if there were separate planks there.
Also had another question about the scene as a whole.
I am creating this piece in Maya, and then bringing it into UDK.
I wondered how I should approach creating the water in the background; either a plane with an ocean texture on it, or a very simplistic water shader.
Any advice would be awesome!
I ended up baking the planks onto a plane and texturing it that way. For the ocean I used a shader. It was really hard to make it look realistic and it is far from perfect. I would recommend checking out these links:
It was a lot of piecing together from various tutorials till I got what I was looking for. If I find anymore links I'll post them. I also have the shader network posted up here:
The most difficult part was getting the colors and opacity to change the deeper it got. I just ended up using a fog volume. If it is something that you do not plan to show up close then you can use a few tiling normal maps moving in different directions and combine that with a displacement map to get the wave effect. I also have another forum here on polycount.
Good luck, I am really excited to see your progress!:)
Hey! Thanks for the reply and links.
It's quite the fun scene to work on, eh?
Have you spoken with Tuomas Korpi at all?
Yours turned out really nice. Love the rendering too, good job!
Unfortunately I only have 3 weeks to start and finish mine for my project in school
I was thinking of zbrushing the planks and texturing it, seems to be the best method for this scene.
I am kind of going for a different style with mine; I am trying to match the picture very closely so I am going to be giving it that hand painted look. I am only going to be filming the scene from the angle of the photo, so nothing else in the scene really matters
As for the ocean, I am going to really up the depth of field so I will hardly see it, so something simple will really do.
I will post more pictures of my progress later, but as of right now I have just been blocking it out in maya: