I have a couple of questions regarding programs to create/modify terrain from existing engines such as UDK.
Currently I have a rough terrain made in UDK and I really do not want to change the major shapes of it. So is there any way to take the existing heightmap out of UDK and import it into another program to add in erosion and other effects? Is it possible to save that heightmap over the existing one in UDK and have it automatically update when you refresh?
I was thinking of exporting the terrain from UDK into Zbrush and sculpt in any details I want, then render out a heightmap and bring that into UDK. I do not know if that would work, has anyone tried that before?
Terrains can be exported as .T3Ds and Landscapes come out at .RAW and .R16.
Zbrush doesn't have native support for either so you may have to find a converter or using something like World Machine.
I saw this: https://sites.google.com/site/seamlessandunique/
Close to the bottom he explains how to blend terrain and static meshes together without getting any harsh seam. I want to achieve this kind of effect with rocks and sand. However it looks like his terrain is a static mesh. Is it possible to achieve this effect using landscapes?