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Sword Txt work

polycounter lvl 7
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dragonxxxv polycounter lvl 7
I'm working on my hand painted textures and thought I'd start with this sword, first rendition of this thing looked like crap, this one looks a lot better but still needs some work, crits and tips welcome, still learning hand painting techniques



  • SaboR1996
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    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    I feel that the textures don't have enough colour variation on each part other than that it looks pretty solid from my opinion anyway
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Hey. A good start. I think your palette is a little too over the place, and that you want to tie everything together. you can start by adding a gradient.



    and it makes a world of a difference. I think your next step would be to define each material on your sword. Other than the obvious blade and maybe the wraps i dont really know the material of that object. This is defined by how the spec of that material is.
    good luck and look forward to seeing the rest.
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    Gradients are great and all, but I think you should go back and try to better define your materials. The textures and the model aren't matching up in terms of what you're describing. For instance, you have this lattice work on the handle, but looking at the silhouette of the model the bumps aren't lining up with the texture. Same with the green and red wavy clumps. The design isn't solid enough and comes off as random swirls and doodles. Then, when looking at the model, instead of following some of those swirls the edge flows straight down from the top of the blade to the hilt. It goes against what's described in the texture.

    The model and texture should compliment each other.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    You need to change that color scheme. Just because green and red are complementary colors doesn't mean they will be beautiful together. Use this http://colorschemedesigner.com/ if you have trouble with color scheming :P

    Plus it's really hard to understand what the red and green are supposed to represent I really don't get the concept between it. It got some greek vibe, with some cthulhu on the handle, A chain that really fade into the spiral thingy and the handle itself seems to be some kind of root. (If it's a rope, one that small,round and slim would really hurt the warrior fighting with that stuff)

    If your goal is to pratice handpainting you should try out an already existing concept art , that way you won't have to concern yourself about a non-clear concept art and colors problem and really spend your time on the technique.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    I agree with the color scheme needing some work. One other thing though is that you could use more contrast / dark areas. It also feels like the details on the surface are a bit wobbly.
  • dragonxxxv
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    dragonxxxv polycounter lvl 7
    Trying another design to see if it works better than all the swirly stuff, seeing if I'm on the right track or just ran into a ditch

  • Trevor
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    Trevor polycounter lvl 4
    Your metal Looks too bright. Try lowering the value and giving it a blue or yellowish hue and maybe some red blood smears to make it look like its seen some action. Also push your color interaction across the model because right now it looks too plain.
    You really need to push your AO more because right now it looks none existent and thats making the whole model look too clean.
    The wood on the blade looks out of place but if you do want wood on the blade portion you should increase the amount of damage, wear and color on it.
  • dragonxxxv
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    dragonxxxv polycounter lvl 7
    did some more work to it
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