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Courier - Yoko Koala - Chrisundrum

polycounter lvl 9
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chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
small update due to crunching and all. Close to calling him done on the texture side. Still a few tweaks here and there especially around his face and the belt.

I ended up just learning to polypaint rather than dealing with 3d coat (which I knew how to use, but found polypainting actually better).

Still need to model a tiny strap for the Didgeridoo. also the straps he will hold onto while he flies.

thanks for all the great feedback guys ^___^



Hey guys. Been obsessed with Dota for the last couple months. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but have been really lazy. But it has begun. And as usual I can really only work on this during lunch, so they will be small iterations. Would love to hear feeback though, and crit. Thanks!

So I came up with the concept of this drunk koala that travels all over the world. And now he has drunkingly stumbled into the Dota realm, and he's brought some goodies.

So I shot the idea to my concept friend Yuki Demers and he quickly concepted this guy out.


and I drew this up in my sketchbook for the flying version


and here is the rough blocking in from todays lunch!



So tomorrow I will continue to block in shapes and change this up. Until then please let me know what you think!


  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Cool concept, I love that slightly sleepy/stoned or kinda cocky look he has in the initial drawing. It really gives him a personality. I think you should try to keep that in the sculpt if you can.
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Update. Played around a little bit more at lunch with his overall shape. Made his head larger. STill trying to figure out his hands..


    and decided to give him a fannypack

  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys, a little morning update. Hoping to knock out the backpack at lunch time, and hopefully get to doing a hair pass!

    let me know what you think ^__^ any ideas? also going to have a dangling sake bottle which I want to get to modeling out.


  • Bernoully
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    Bernoully polycounter lvl 4
    Looking good so far, personality is a much needed aspect in couriers (always loved the exaggerations in Mighty Boar and the Greevils). Keep it going!
  • poodleswithguns
    i'm really loving the ridges and blocky aspects of his face and fingers. I've always felt that Dota assets when they take on a chiseled quality are more successful in game recognition and character.

    my critique would be his jet powered wing. since you'll be seeing this courier from a top down perspective you're essentially obscuring your own character. do you maybe have an alternative flight model that'll keep your Koala ontop. maybe (horribly) a jet surfboard?
    Also if the Koala will have a technological flight model. how will you visually convey this when he is walking? the jet wing/board feels out of left field since you haven't yet added any bling that'd allude to him being techy.
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    @Bernoully Thanks man. I totally agree. Why buy a courier when you can buy ... A friend...

    @poodleswithguns Hey thanks for your feedback. It definitely has been a concern with us (godfishB16 will be animating him) and its one of those things that I want to block out and try it out. We wanted to have him dragging behind so you can see him, but I will try some alternatives if it doesn't feel right.

    Another alternative I was thinking about was something made of leaves and wood like in once upon a forest.

    :D I'l keep yea posted on what happens. and thanks again for the crit and compliments
  • chrisundrum
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Loving this idea. In regards to the wings you could concept them up to be a combination of a boomerang/hangglider idea. Gives you the opportunity to feature something that is known for "returning to sender" but also less technological and fits in well with your Australian theme.

    As an Australian I am really looking forward to seeing the progress on this.
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks mang for the ideas! and yea, I suppose the original pencil drawing didn't convey it very well, but the hanglider that he is on is a boomerang. My perspective isnt all that great. Once I model it I'm sure it will work out better.
    And I am happy that you are looking forward to this ^__^

    Update. Worked on the backpack a little bit during 4oclock walk.

  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    Lunch Update.
    Mad respect to character artists. Its tough business for sure!

    Made his backback a little more vertical and added a scroll! Let me know what yall think. thanks

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    This little guy is a boss man.

    I want him to have a super savage rare idle displaying the viscous koala bipolar-ism.

    Mega super duper love to this lil guy!
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Looking sweet, definitely think he needs a little scrotal shag though ;)
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    @Baddcog Haaha I will definitely consider it. If the uv space allows it basically

    Update guys

    Added a dijurido to the side of his bag to help break up his silhouette and added a little bit more character. Also started on the boomerang which is now more of a glider. I was thinking it would be cool if his dijurido was the bar in which he held onto??!


    Let me know what yall think!
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    This is the sexiest courier I've ever seen. Love the design! Cant wait to see the animations!
  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great! The bake came out really clean. I'll also just throw out that it is "Didgeridoo".

    Keep up the good work.
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    @AndrewHelenek: Thanks man! I can't wait either!

    @Xajai: Ha, no I had not seen that courier. I was sure there was probably a Koala courier, and I tried not search any just so I don't have subconscious ideas or anything. Like the concept though.

    @hopgood: thanks man :D. And I really do apologize for butchering it. :/ definitely should have looked it up and spelled it correctly. Thanks for the head up though.

    Got to work on it a little bit today! Not sure how i am feeling about the purple, kind of reminds me of witch docotr? but, I can always change it up later.

    First pass color.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    This is wizard. I am love.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Gradients, it needs gradients. So far the textures look quite flat.
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Gradients, it needs gradients. So far the textures look quite flat.

    Was going to say the same thing, but i thought that it was a first texture pass and left it.

    But yes, I couldn't agree more. Gradients will really make this guy 'pop'.

    I am really excited to see what you do for him during the animation process. Keep us updated :D
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    quickupdate from today

    Only focused on his color. havent worked on anything else yet. but i will!

  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Looks awesome!
  • christermime
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    christermime polycounter lvl 8
    Base colors are looking great, man. The fur came out really nicely as well, it stands out just enough to make him look fuzzy without going too far with detail. can't wait to see more!
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    @BrontoThunder: thanks man appreciate the kind words!

    @Christermiime: Thanks chris. I am still experimenting on making him a bit more fuzzy, dont know, not really sold. but we will see!

    Alright. Was able to work on it during lunch! Though I played a game of Dota so I didnt get to work on it as long as I probably should have :/

    But still let me know what you think! Not sold on the decal on the boomerang but Im sure I will think of something different.



    Also. Its my birthday! :D
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    It looks great. I can't help but feel it needs some strong colours somewhere to to break up the solid orange colour. Perhaps changing the bands on the didgeridoo to a strong red or really pushing that green on the bottle in the belt.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, it needs some more detail spots on the body/backpack. An easy way to achieve this would be tribal markings like you have them on the boomerang on his belly. You can also go even stronger on the gradients, maybe 1.5x - 2x what you have right now. IN other spots, you can create greater areas of contrast, like in the ears. Also, painting in some Ambient Occlusion/shadows where the equipment sits on his body will help sell the fact that they're lying over each other.
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    Haven't looked at this thread in a bit. It's looking great chrisundrum! Textures look really nice. I love that you kept that sleepy eye look. Can't wait to see this guy animated.
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    i reallt like it, awesome work so far!
  • Kisel
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    Kisel polycounter lvl 4
    Cool work man, nice stylization! Years ago i was working on a simular character for a sf story concept but nothing happen with that. Was about two guys runing around in a post apocalyptic Outback full with mutant shit.
    Here are some sketches from the Koala guy, i have some more when you need it for inspiration.

  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    @hopgood Hey thanks for the feedback. Hopefully with this update I tackled the strong flat orange by added a small purple purple gradient. I havn't tackled the sake bottle yet but I do hope to get to it soon. :) I really wish I had more than 30 min at a time to work on this so I can just tackle everything.

    @Spudnik Big fan of your work btdubs. I havn't tried any tribal markings yet but I will definitely give it a shot. Yea for some reason when I paint everything tends to get flatter, so I will for sure do another AO pass. I really need to get it in game a work from there, just so I know what its going to look like. I really appreciate the feedback

    @Striker Thanks mang! Big fan of Blubber Buster, so to hear that is awesome.

    @TrevorJ: Thanks :D

    @quockhanhik: Thanks man :)

    @kisel: ha thats awesome. Love all the character that each sketch brings. Really like the bottom right sketch. You should totally do something from it!

    Only got to work on this for a little bit today and yesterday :/

    Really wish i had 3d coat so i can go ahead and finally fix all those seams and the back.


  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    There's an alternative way to fix seams:

    - Create 2nd set of UVs where your original seams correspond to non-seam areas
    - Bake your base texture onto the 2nd set using xNormal(it adds nice padding too) or render to texture etc. You'll select one copy of the mesh as high-poly.
    - Paint over the seams
    - Transfer the texture back to the original mesh

    This is a great way to add large scale gradients as well.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    3D coat is available for 74 Euro on the Steam store, which is about as cheap as you're gonna get any 3D program (well, maybe xNormal is cheaper :D )
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    small update due to crunching and all. Close to calling him done on the texture side. Still a few tweaks here and there especially around his face and the belt.

    I ended up just learning to polypaint rather than dealing with 3d coat (which I knew how to use, but found polypainting actually better).

    Still need to model a tiny strap for the Didgeridoo. also the straps he will hold onto while he flies.

    thanks for all the great feedback guys ^___^


  • bounchfx
    I love it. It looks so great, I can't wait to see him in game.
  • Garrettorious
    This Looks great!

    The color choice is spot on :D
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