Hi eveyone !
I'm new with Marmoset Engine, and there are some thing I didn't figuring out :poly127:
Marmoset use PBR system, and it's awesome to work with. But it require a different workflow.
Normally, I create my texture in Photoshop ( traditional shading texture with DIff, Spec and gloss ) and preview it in Marmoset, and it look good, but when I brought in to UE 3, it's look crap, because basically they are different Shading, UE 3 didn't use PBR.
what I don't understand is I saw people do it all the time, they preview their texture in Marmoset while working, and still keep the same quality ( or atleast close ) in UDK.
for example, here is a tutorials from Quixel, he used skyshop to preview ( ksyshop as far as I know use PBL too ) and when every thing come in to UDK, it's stunning
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuVzQKJjKVo"]dDo Quickie - Basic workflow - YouTube[/ame]

i don't know toolbag 2. is there no choice but to use PBR in there?
It also may give you better results in marmoset to create custom point or spot lights and turn off the PBR lighting. It may show more true to how it will look in UDK.