Hey Guys, thought I would check to see if anyone had an answer to this since google is falling short. At work I downloaded the Nightshade editor for uv unwrapping and it works like a charm so I thought I would download it for home. Unfortunately this happened

So I figured I would go back to the regular UV editor but now that editor is having the same problem :C

Has this happened to anyone else or is there any thoughts as to what happened? This is an example of what the script editor says when I open either script editor.

So I gave up trying to have night shade at home because I thought it might be my computer...
Kept using it at work because it's really useful for what I need to do . Then I had computer issues at work and now I have a new build with a freshly installed Maya 2012. Today I decided to download Nightshade Editor again and I got a similar issue at work.
Anyone else dealing with this? I get that I can get rid of Nightshade Editor but like I said I would love to use it so any helpful suggestions would be awesome