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Hand painted shield

Hi guys, I know this has been done a thousand times before, but I thought I'd try to make my own. It's my first finished hand painted asset, and it was a ton of fun while making it.

The wood doesn't look too great, so I might rework that. Anyway, critiques are welcome and I think I'm going to do more of these in the future. :)


  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    Okay from the start.

    Your sign is bad. Its to perfect and looks to much like a mask in Photoshop and not real color on the wood.

    Your edge highlight and scratches are to small! In 5m range i cannot see one detail and the detaisl are not that interesting.

    Dont use the gradient tool. Sorry but your metal looks like it and has no hand painted touch except the studs.

    Your wood looks good from 5m but very pixelated in near view.
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