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Prefab - how do I get it to keep vertex paint information



So here is a house I made. It is modular, i.e. every wall is it's own mesh. I created a base texture with a vertex shader to paint on (which I did in the left version). However, when I convert it to "Prefab", all my vertex paint data is lost. I also seem to lose the stairs, which is only a brush, at the moment - I guess if I convert it to static mesh first, it would become part of the Prefab, too?

So here is my question:

How do I keep my vertex paint data when I convert to prefab? Is the only way to create the prefab first and paint on that? Is there a way to access the vertex paint data anywhere in the Editor? I don't see where (and in which format)UDK stores the information.


  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    The information is stored in the asset instance. When you prefab it, there is no asset instance, just a reference to what it was. You cannot save vertex paint information in this way. If you need to save it, you might be better off using a texture mask instead.
  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
    You can actually.. with this button.
    Then everytime you place the instance it will place with those vertex colors because they are now in your source mesh not the instance. Alternatively you can paint in Max/Maya and preserve it that way.

    Edit: I didnt realize this was modular, there is no way that I know of to preserve an instances color information without copying it to the source, so if you are placing multiple instances of the same mesh expect their color information to be the same also
  • Sinking
    Yeah, it figures. Thanks for the replies guys! I already thought this might be a problem. Since I had everything on layers anyway, I just made one layer for the entire "house" and now move that around, instead of a prefab. It's good to know what can't be done with Prefabs. I've been using them all the time, mirroring stuff and converting them back to individual meshes. Works great, justnot with vertex paint.
  • Hourences
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    Hourences polycounter lvl 18
    Grouping things together is not really what prefabs are meant for. They are meant for reoccurring interactive things such as doors you can kick in. And layers suck also for what you are trying to do. You'd be much better off just grouping it. Ctrl G.
  • Sinking
    Hey, thanks for replying!

    Yeah, I see how prefabs make more sense when lights or Kismet is attached to them.I wasn't really sure what would happend, and I was surprised about what did happen. I didn't know you can group like this in UDK, though. I always use the layers in the browser to make selections.

    I'm gonna have to check where in UDK these groups show up. It's kind of a pity that I am working with Cryengine for the current project. Boy, do I miss FBX export!
  • e-freak
    you can still do fbx export and just drag the fbx onto the RC (or run a batch to do that for you!)
  • Sinking
    e-freak wrote: »
    you can still do fbx export and just drag the fbx onto the RC (or run a batch to do that for you!)

    You mean if I wanted to get this into Cryengine? That's not the plan, but thanks for your piece of advice!
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