Here's a character I first created back in November 2013 that has under went many changes.
Here, I was still pretty new to using a cintiq so I tried picking a brush and just ran with it.
Here, I completely changed what layers I was painting on. I also started exploring brushes more. This was done with a hard brush with the flow reduced which lead to a very "marker" effect. I actually planned to stop here but I didn't like it.
I got much more adjusted to the brush tool although there are still unnecessary brush marks.
This is the one I finally finished today. It actually took me two days to work on (I based the lighting on an actual picture rather than guessing like the previous examples). I also tried working some colour theory into this. I wanted to know how every color reacted to the sun at certain time periods but this was very exhausting.
I wanted to do more like include more values but I noticed it ruined the artstyle so I simplified it.
Lastly, here's a breakdown of the image.
Hope that helps.
The drawing itself is pretty outdated though. I view it as more of a tech demo as I could only do so much with it (I now know stuff like planes which my drawing barely had in the beginning). But I'll definitely get to painting everyday objects (I've been meaning to paint a picture of metal).