Having a go at an other Rock Davinci Concept. Did a scifi crossbow last year.

On my
blog I plan to go through step by step on how I make the concept into a game asset. Its to teach those that seek it but to also show others how I work and for it to be assessed too.
I have just started the hard surface stuff.
Fun Fun Fun Fun.
Think I must of spent between 7-8 hours on it. Hope to get even more done tomorrow.
but seriously, these both look great and really fit the concept
There is one big in particular that I'm most likely going to delete and start again.
Crits as always are welcome, help me make this best piece I've ever done.
I think tomorrow or when I can I'll really focus in whats happening with the proportions. Now you have mentioned it the middle section does look squished.
Took into what Add3r said and resized several parts as well as remodelling certain plates that looked a bit crap.
Any problems give me a shout. I want this is to be the best thing I've ever done and I need all your help to do that. Thanks.
Any crits/feedback are encouraged, rip it apart.
On the concept it also looks like there's both black painted metal and bare metal but on your model you don't seem to have any bare metal at all or the materials are too similar to one another.
I think you could add a bit more grunge as well as it looks a bit too clean if you compare it to the amount of wear it has.
Calling it a day.
Like to think I listened to what everyone said, i lost count how many times I thought i was done, pressed the screenshot button, looked and then went back and did all again.
If I didn't stop now I would of carried on tweaking and tweaking until I went mad.
But whose to say I haven't already gone MADDDDDDD ahajhsjhdkdksdksksk!
Your HighPoly is really nice.
I may just go back and tweak it when I have spare minute. Thanks for the feedback.