Hello guys, I just moved into the 3ds Max from blender but their interfaces are so different, and I couldnt get use to it for now.

I will watch tutorials and more to get use to its interface to carry my models into a new level. But for now I am thinking about continue with blender untill I learn 3ds Max. And the reason I opened this thread because I wanna know if 3ds Max has very important modifiers, which I should learn first. May you.pls tell me some important modifiers with what they do, I can learn them first and then I can work between blender and Max together. (Untill I learn Max, then I will leave blender)
As for modifiers :
Reset XForms
And when it comes to tutorials, check out the old Johan Of Arc one - it is still very relevant.
Good luck !
I found lots of videos about it but there werent any tutorial as Iı saw.
(It was avalible on 3d-palace as one of the free tutorials, however not sure why it can be found now on youtube hmm...)