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(Mel) Help with syntax of a outliner reorganize script

polycounter lvl 16
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onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
heres the code i have so far:
global proc resortSel()
    string $userSel[] = `ls -sl`;
    for ($each in $userSel)
        reorder -b $each;
     sort $userSel;
window -title "Outliner Tools" -width 250 -height 200;
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
        -label "Move to First"
        -command "reorder -front;";
        -label "Move to Last"
        -command "reorder -back;";
        -label "Move Up"
        -command "reorder -relative 1;";
        -label "Move Down"
        -command "reorder -relative -1;";
        -label "Reorder base on Selection";
        -command "resortSel;";

When I run this code, I get this
// Error: -command "resortSel;";
// Error: Syntax error //

Can anyone please point out what I did wrong and how to fix. Thank you


  • Froyok
    Offline / Send Message
    Froyok greentooth
            -label "Reorder base on Selection";         
            -command "resortSel;";
    After "Reorder base on Selection" you have a semicolon. Therefore maya doesn't recognize the following line as a member of the button setting definition. You should display the line number of the errors in your script editor, this would help you find the location of your errors.

    Also, you don't need to specify the semicolon inside the command quote (" ") if you are only calling one function. This would help you read a bit better your script and avoid any confusion.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    Looks like you got an extra semicolon after the -label line of your last button.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    Froyok and Bartalon: Thanks for the speedy replies. It works now thanks.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    another question, this time is in regards to setting the default RadioButtonGrp pressed
    glboal proc resortNum()
    	string $sel[] = sort(`ls -sl`);
    	for ($eachNode in $sel)
    		reorder -b $eachNode;
    global proc resortName()
    ////This bottom portion with the promptDialog is sampled from another site////
        string $text; 
        string $result = `promptDialog -title "Select Object" -message "Enter Name:" -button "OK" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "OK" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`; 
        if ($result == "OK") 
        $text = `promptDialog -query -text`; 
        select -r ("*" + $text + "*"); 
        string $saSel[] = `ls -sl -l -fl`;
        string $saGeo[] = `filterExpand -sm 12 $saSel`;
        select -r $saGeo; 
        if ($result = "OK")
    global proc outlinerToolsv1()
          if (`window -exists outlinerTools`)
            deleteUI outlinerTools;   
    window -title "Outliner Tools" -width 250 -height 200 outlinerTools;
    columnLayout -adjustableColumn true -rowSpacing 8;
            -label "Move to First" 
            -align "center"
            -command "reorder -front;";
            -label "Move to Last"
            -align "center"
            -command "reorder -back;";
            -label "Move Up"
            -command "reorder -relative -1;";
            -label "Move Down"
            -align "center"
            -command "reorder -relative 1;";
            -label "Reorder base on Selection"
            -command "resortSel;";
    		-label "Reorder Numerically"
    		-align "center"
    		-command "resortNum;";
    	button -label "Reorder by Name"
    	    -align "center"
    	    -command "resortName;";
    	            -numberOfRadioButtons 2
    	            -label "Select type" -labelArray2 "InsideGroup" "Scene" 
    ///I assume this is where I put the code for selecting the default button, but not sure what to put ///
    showWindow outlinerTools;
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    define the radioButtonGrp with the -select flag with the number of the radio button you want selected.

    or run the radioButtonGrp command in edit mode and use the -select flag if you want to do it after the control is defined.
                    -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -select 1
                    -label "Select type" -labelArray2 "InsideGroup" "Scene" ;
    would select the first radioButton on creation.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    thanks passerby

    new question: is it possible to find where a node is located in Outliner, like the number order? I have search through all the maya command reference and have found nothing in regards to that.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    WIP code idea for sorting objects in place
    global proc reorderinPlace()
      string $unsortList[]=`ls -sl`;
      string $sortList[]= `sort($unsortList)`;
      if (`gmatch $unsortlist "*[0-9]"`) //To check if object has number suffix
           warning "please rename object with number suffix";
           break; //exit procedure if there is no number suffix
           for ($count=0; $count<=size($unsortList); $count++)
              int $unsortNum= `match "[0-9]+$" $unsortList`; //extract number from unsorted list
              int $sortNum= `match "[0-9]+$" $sortList`;//extract number from sorted list
              $reorderNum[]= 0;
              if ($unsortList != $sortList)
                  $reorderNum[]= `$unsortNum - $sortNum`;//Getting the relative reorder value
                  reorder -r $reorderNum $unsortList 
    print "Objects are sorted";
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