Hello guys,
I have this Projection problem in Zbrush
In Maxstudio or Mudbox works as simple baking without the necessity of remesh, just set "bubble"shell and it project itself nice and clean.
Is there any option without loosing nice clean details I work with?
What is the point of that if I lose them in the end? Is there any magic I don't know?
Please help

Thank you.
Edit: if you want those piece to follow the surface, you might want to try insert mesh brush, it bends your inserted geomentry based on underlying surface.
By using insert mesh you have to "Freeze Subdivision Levels" and than zbrush makes automatic projection, so its basically the same thing as IMM brushes.
with that chain I would consider alpha instead of low poly model, but I am really saving...
would you redo low poly chain on your model?
see below, rendered in mudbox, but I would rather make it in zbrush, if i could
It seems to work out even it looks like a mess, BUT it make two other things I don´t like.
On the lowest level it make little bump under and when I smooth it makes a ditch (as you can see on the pic)
and on the sphere is not smooth.
I also lost polygroups when I went on Level 1. Can I do something to prevent it?
The 'bump' is the result of you physically projecting the chains onto a spherical mesh, instead of just leaving them as separate subtools like people have been suggesting. That kind of action (projection) will change the form of the lowpoly mesh because you're turning that detail into something that only exists when the mesh is subdivided. Its similar to if sculpting in a large change of form at a high subdivision level; that change will travel down and affect lower subidivion levels as they try and match the volume. So now your normal map has to use those gradients as compensation to try and make the end result look spherical again. This gradient shouldn't cause a problem on your actual mesh once rendered if everything is all synced up. Otherwise, its really hard to judge a normal map by looking at the map alone since its just a piece of the puzzle.
Really though, you should just be keeping things as separate subtools and baking with xnormal or something else instead. You'll get a lot more control of the result along with less of a headache.
Polygroups need to be created at the lowest level possible. They can be temporarily created at a higher level, but you're going to mess them up if you step down in subdivisions or reload the tool. A polygon can only belong to one polygroup, and by creating them on higher subdivision levels you're essentially trying to assign at least 4 polygroups to a single face (a number which exponentially increases every subdivision up).
I basically wanted Diffuse from polypaint from Zbrush. I never had problems with other maps (thanks other programs like Xnormal,polybump, mudbox etc.)
I am afraid there is not such a option what I want.
- my goal: render easily one diffuse map together with many painted subtools included.
I want to somehow include / or project that 1 polypainted subtool on my upper sphere. just for render maps.
I want them separated. Problem is render easily one diffuse together. I need just put it on diffuse texture.
With merge maps there must be uvs space, but I dont need it their uvs
i need just have them on the texture.
Xnormal bakes polypaint just as well as it bakes normal maps. Previous advice throughout this thread still applies.
Your highpoly sculpt does not have to be the same mesh as your lowpoly object that goes into the game. Adding subtools doesn't mean you need to change the topology, silhouette, or UVs.
That´s great news!:)
I thought that polypaint can´t be exported at all (that´s why i freaked out with projection)
and I use other programs but Xnormal.
now I found out that export is done by exporting every single subtool and their textures for import into xnormal.