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Simple joint, controller issues.

polycounter lvl 6
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_Connor polycounter lvl 6
Hello all, I'm rigging a simple maya character, and have run into a few issues.
First, is the feet IK controls:


As you can (hopefully) see, For each foot I have a control, which is the parent of the leg's IK handle, and then a toe control which is the parent of the foot's IK handle.

I'm using the "sticky" opton for the toeIK, because as far as I can tell it's the same as an IK/FK switch. If I key the foot up, the toe control stays as is. If I leave the toe on Inverse K, I have to key it every time I key the foot moving. However, if I key the "sticky" value on the toeIK handle from "sticky" to "off", the previous keys appear to revert to off as well.

I've tried keying the "IkBlend" attribute also, and when i key to '0' nothing changes, and my TOE control curve does nothing.

I'm not sure how much sense that all made, but what i want to have is:

A control for the foot and a control for the toe. When IK is on, the toe control doesn't update. When the Toe switches to FK, the control takes over, and is parented to the foots control, so i don't have to key it per foot key.

But wait, there's more!


I have a wrist control that is point constrained to the arms IKhandle. As per the image above, rotating an IK handle does nothing, so i've tried orient constraining the actual joint to the same wrist control curve, which gives strange results that doon't rotate correctly. SO insteaad i just parent the wrist joint to the wrist control. So the wrist control controls the translate of the arm IK, and the translate AND rotation of the wrist joint.
Now, when i move the wrist control inwards, the arm bends but the wrist doesn't rotate; it seems that the joints orient constraint overrides the armIk and breaks the hierarchy.

Again, this is probably explained poorly and somewhat confusing.

What i want is a control that, when translated, controls the arms IKhandle, and still lets that IK update the end joint (wrists) rotation. In this case im assuming i need a seperate control just for the wrist joint if i want to control the wrists rotation seperately.
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