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SCI-Fi stuff. WIP CnC.

Hello. Trying to take my portfolio to the next level so i would like to ask for some critique on the contents.

Address to the portfolio site is http://michalkozlowski.dunked.com. I've put some of my more presentable stuff in there to fill up space, and I'm mostly interested in what I should keep, what to change and what to throw away. I'm working on improving the images, except the space ships, which I'm happy with, although any advice is very welcome how to improve on those too.

Also images I'm happy with for people that don't want to go on the website for some drive by comments :)




Thank you.


  • GrungyStudios
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    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    Cool stuff you have here man really detailed. I especially like that spaceship, really cool design. Is it suppose to imitate some sort of bug like a wasp or something?
  • shiro
    Thanks. It's actually a fish, I liked that silhouette.


    It's also for practical purposes as the model if made for real space flight model.
  • FantasticFantom
    Hey you've got some good stuff here, but I have a few minor complaints. Right now your projects look confusing in scale. Both spaceships kinda look like toys or really small drone ships. I think its a combo of your DoF and the background your using to display your work. You've got a similar problem with your reactor area in that it looks really small, like you're zoomed into a miniature diorama. Anyway, I'd love to see closer up on the models and some wires/textures! Good stuff thanks for sharing!
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Great work!

    I love the spaceships but I have to agree with FantasticFantom.
    Personally I think your paint scheme is hurting you on that first ship.
    It's so strong it swallows up your shapes and crushes your scale.
  • shiro
    @FantasticFantom Thank you. I'll experiment with LoD a bit more to lose that effect a little bit.

    @NomadSoul2501 Thanks. The pain job's point was to do exactly that, but maybe you right maybe it's not worth it. Here is the inspiration.


    It's purpose was to mess up with visual identification. I'll try one more time with a bit more standard camo.
  • Luxap
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    Luxap polycounter lvl 6
    I like the idea with the visual identification! Maybe you could try making the patterns a little more messed up as you see in above reference ?
    Anyways, really loving the designs of the ships even with that visual indentification mess up going on!

    Keep it coming.
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Wow, that is cool!
    Well, mission accomplished :)
  • shiro
    Just as an example, here is the ship with dazzle pattern turned off.

  • shiro
  • shiro
    Just as a bonus here is the space ship that carries those fighter ships. I pretty much stopped working on it so the textures are incomplete as it requires pretty much complete overhaul of geometry to be able to fit it in a real time engine but I thought it is worth showing off.


    Most of the low poly modeling was done by another artist, I did high poly and changes to layout and detailing such as turrets windows and modular details as well as texturing.

    It also has whole interior laid out but untextured except the blast door are that can be found in another thread, as well as the engine room and some corridors that I have not posted yet.
  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    Its hard to tell which side is the front.
    People are accustomed to "standard" figures like cars or ships.
    Make the engines bigger or the front a little flatter. The windows are small and only visible when you are not far away.
  • shiro
    Thanks for your comment :)

    The whole point of my designs is that in space there is no front or back, and I wanted to break the whole "fighter jets in space" that people are accustomed to. This ship has two axis it can travel in depending on context. Sorry but I believe space combat should be done at least based on realism a little bit :) Also the windows were supposed to be small, its a big ship and transparent aluminium is not easy to manufacture.
  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    But without the arrow like design your firepower to the front or back is nearly not existent. Your design is more like a old galleon and not a modern ship.
    It doestn matter how much cannons you have when you cant target the enemy.
    A modern ship can use 50%-100% of the weapons in every direction. Your ship maybe 10% in front or back.

    Give me a sphere like ship with 6 canons and i can fire 4-5 canons in every direction, because a sphere have the best volume/material rate my ship is faster or have a better armor. Your only hope will be showing me the broadside but after all you can only response.
  • shiro
    This is actually a freighter not a war ship, it has limited defences and relies mostly on close escort of very agile fighters. The middle section is actually a module used for mining facilities that it detaches at destination (this particular one is a greenhouse actually. It would get annihilated by any capable war ship, and its defences are only good for repelling small pirate forces. Think a tanker with a detachment of marines and few small escort boats, in our reality.
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