Hey guys,
I started this guy on lunch at work yesterday, and needed a few comments on certain things if anyone had some to share.
I'm currently working on the Arm and it's really bothering me but i'm not sure how to proceed with it, I'm going for a demon / insectoid character, alla darksiders / aliens / tyranids. But all those beasts have skinny arms, which I don't want. I'd want to stick to big, beefy arms. If anyone has comments, please help
thanks, Squals
I will say, that jaw with teeth that large the lower jaw/neck muscles will need to be a lot thicker as well as connect to the neck. When you have a lower jaw that weighs a large amount you need the muscles to back that up.
It looks very powerful and fast at the moment, but the jaw would just be flapping about in the wind with how little muscle you have to hold it up.