Hey guys, it has been brought to my attention that there was some interest in a collab thread to have a dedicated place for people to post or look for concepts. People usually ask in the workshop or personal threads but a lot of times those don't get much visibility. Therefore this thread would be specifically used for finding partners for submissions.
The difference between this thread and the "Workers Available" thread is that here will be about items, not people. So anytime that you come up with a new idea and you need to find a partner, you can post it here. When you find a partner, edit your post and I will periodically delete them so that this thread will always be fresh.
Some friendly rules:
1. Give a simple description about your item (Hero, slot, etc)
2. Specify what skills you are looking for (Concept Artist, 3D Modeler, Texture Artist, Animator, etc)
3. Specify a method of contact (E-mail/Steam account/PM, etc) and link to your thread (if you have one) as well.
4. Avoid commenting over ideas, keep the thread strictly for the purpose of finding partners for items.
5. After finding your partner, update your post with "Found Collab" so the admins can delete your post.
6. If someone doesn't find a partner in one month or so, the post will be removed with the intention of keeping the thread fairly recent.
With that being said, have at it. If you guys find this to be a valuable resource we will keep it around. Good luck and make some awesome items!
Here are some set concepts up for grab.
PM me or write me in my thread if interested.Link below.
Also if anyone needs an animator I am one lol
Edit: The youtube Link seems to work now
Need someone to texture this terrorblade demonform.
Contact me via polycount PM or:
Вконтакте: vk.com/stkopp
Facebook: facebook.com/stkopp
Steam acc: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JackCRO
i have ready the model i only need the texture
Steam acc : http://steamcommunity.com/id/alonedd/
Venomancer's concept is taken
steam account : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070966106
Send me a pm if you want!
Now there bake without textures with test shaders.
dont have much time atm..if you are interested PM me
I'm a 3D Modeller looking for concept artist to collab with. Ready to get started so please get in touch if you're interested.
I am a modeler/texturer, and I'm looking for a concept artist to help construct the rest of a set for the current piece I've made below. message me if you are interested!
Pm me!
a friend and me are working on this alchemist concept art and
we would like to find a modeler to collab with.
If you are interested feel free to add me on steam
I'm trying to switch from tf2 to dota 2 workshop.
I need a concept artist and a texturer.
The plan for now is to make a Soul Guardian set for Legion Commander, with the main focus on a weapon being my favorite weapon of all - a halberd ( set will probably be slightly inspired by dark souls franchise)
I need some help adapting a traditional weapon to the dota 2 art style.
Feel free to add me
TLDR, looking for someone to retopologize and texture this model.
sorry the screenshot is so bad
This is my 1st post in Polycount so plz correct me if im wrong in any way.
TY hope u like it
PS. i am making some more upgrades to the set so i will be posting some more images.
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070966106/
Im looking for a person, who can help us to texture, rig and retopologize set on ember spirit which we are working on for this moment. Please contact us by steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997125810 or http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063663287
And bakes:
I'm a character animator available for some work here and there. PM me for/with details.
I'm a 3d artist looking to get in to dota 2 workshop!
mainly looking for concept artists to colaborate
add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/lucak/
50/50 split, or nearest too if someone wants to do a loading screen!
speak with you soon
Animation works.
Contact me here http://steamcommunity.com/id/Channfree
or channfree@gmail.com
I don't really respond to polycount msgs, since I don't see them that often.
I am looking for a 3D modeler, and a texturer to collab with to help make a faceless void set concept. PM: Me or add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IDkm80
I may not add you at first but that may be that I am doing work.
I'm looking for a good and experienced 3D artist for his set at Timbersaw. Looking for high poly model, retopology and skining.
Contact me at PM.
details here:
Masks not yet ready
1.) Dazzle Gladiator-esque set that incorporates Medallion of Courage into a back piece with glowing eye particle effects on the helmet's eyes.
2.) I'm brand spankin' new to working with 3D modelling, but I'm fairly decent with Photoshop. At this point, my experience is somewhat limited to mediocre concepts, but i'm willing to watch and learn along the way if someone is willing to tackle this with me.
3.) You can reach me through PM or Steam ([BRKT] Sunburnn).
I'm looking for an animator to assist myself and a 3D modeler in creating a custom courier. This is our design:
Feel free to PM me if interested.
1. Have 2 sets to UV and paint. One is for sven and other for necrophos. Contact me if you want to see the sets.
2. Looking for texture artist( that includes UVs and painting,right?!)
3. Contact me by email: kristaps.lacgalvs@gmail.com or steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/greedoface/
i have some 2d concept for lyralei or wind rager
looking for 3d modelers/textures, and some animation concepters
contact me with my email: adimasblabla@gmail.com
Contact me if you're interested in collab.
i suggest you improve chest piece... :P
heres the link of my concept imgur.com/vmLHhQj and the reworked hair http://imgur.com/d8VGhSe
thank you
thanks !