Is it possible to sculpt with square stamps in mudbox? I noticed that I my corners are getting cropped when I try to use a square image as a stamp in mudbox
there is no good brush based workflow for such things in mufbox... zbrush is the better solution in this area...
the mudbox workflow would be to use flatten to uvspace and paint a texture with this image as stencil... paint the rest of the object black... and use those texture to mask the faces... or use the texture to displace the mesh...
Thanks for your advice Oglu, would you be able to explain in more detail how to use a texture to mask a sculpt layer? I searched around in mudbox and online but couldn't find anything. Its a little sad that mudbox deletes your sculpts when you unflatten from UV space as it would have made things alot simpler
paint a texture layer in mudbox...
right click onto the paint layer --> mask from selected
hit flood in the sculpt brush tab... or sculpt it by hand...
the mudbox workflow would be to use flatten to uvspace and paint a texture with this image as stencil... paint the rest of the object black... and use those texture to mask the faces... or use the texture to displace the mesh...
right click onto the paint layer --> mask from selected
hit flood in the sculpt brush tab... or sculpt it by hand...