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Zbrush to maya not-so-normal map seams trouble

polycounter lvl 5
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deohboeh polycounter lvl 5
I made a sculpt in ZBrush. Then baked the normal map in ZBrush and then GoZed the thing to maya. The viewport render is perfect almost seamless. But when I take it to mental ray I get results like this.

Turns out the normal map baked looks like this
It looks fine in viewport.

Then I baked a map in object space and got results like this
This also looks fine in veiwport.

Whats going on any ideas whats happening? Please help!


  • jacksteel
    It looks as though you might have overlapped your UVs but forgotten to move the flipped layer out of 0,1 space for your bake.

    I could definitely be wrong though
  • deohboeh
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    deohboeh polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the reply jack but it's one big island so no overlapping and it's all in one space.. No worries though it's ok to be wrong. :)
  • deohboeh
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    deohboeh polycounter lvl 5
    Bump:Could anyone help me on this? I have to get this guy to UDK any help will be much appreciated
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    What does it look like in UDK? If it looks fine in there, it doesn't matter what it looks like with Mental Ray.

    If you're still having problems, you might want to give Handplane a try. Check this out

  • Pegbird
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    Pegbird polycounter lvl 5
    It doesn't matter what it looks like in Mental Ray, unless for some unique reason you want to use MR for your final render. Which engine are you going to be using to display the final model? That is where you want to be checking for errors.

    I would recommend you export both models to Maya and use Transfer Maps to do your bake. Decimate the HP model first, for better performance. Alternatively you could use xnormal, but if Maya is your main 3D package I would use that to bake as it's one less tangent-space conversion to worry about.
  • deohboeh
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    deohboeh polycounter lvl 5
    Pegbird wrote: »
    It doesn't matter what it looks like in Mental Ray, unless for some unique reason you want to use MR for your final render. Which engine are you going to be using to display the final model? That is where you want to be checking for errors.

    I would recommend you export both models to Maya and use Transfer Maps to do your bake. Decimate the HP model first, for better performance. Alternatively you could use xnormal, but if Maya is your main 3D package I would use that to bake as it's one less tangent-space conversion to worry about.

    I will be taking a beauty shot in mental ray with SSS so am kinda worried whats gonna happen down the line.
    As for UDK I hadn't thought of that! Will check and see.
    Another problem is I sculpted in Geometry HD and now am in the Zbrush Deathgrip cant take it out put anything in. :DD: So am doubly nervous as if anything goes wrong here the next step is to start the detail sculpting passes again.
    Bartalon wrote: »
    What does it look like in UDK? If it looks fine in there, it doesn't matter what it looks like with Mental Ray.

    If you're still having problems, you might want to give Handplane a try. Check this out


    Thanks! I will be checking handplanes out and updating tomorrow..
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