[UPDATE] (The giveaway is now over, I want to thank everyone for all the kind comments and gestures! You can still sign up below an get access to more free or discounted courses at different times in the future! Cheers!)
Hey everybody! Tomorrow is my birthday and I felt like giving a little this year. So for the next TWO WEEKS ONLY you can grab my courses on Learning max and Learning Maya if you had learned the opposite for free!
A simple man I want this to explode haha. Lets blow this out and make sure no artist misses this opportunity. Spread it like wild fire! All I ask is if you enjoy them pass along the good vibes and leave a review on the course. To get the free coupon code for the courses please just subscribe to my newsletter. You will be emailed with the coupon code once you sign up!
http://eepurl.com/ID84j. Cheers everyone!
Udemy Courses:
I will definitely check this out when i get home. Seems like there are loads of people needing the max to maya lessons...
Including myself.
And yes, I'll always take free learning. God bless the internet.
Happy Birthday and thanks again.
Thank you for caring and sharing with everyone, I definitely always wanted to learn both and you gave me the opportunity, I will report back once i have finished the courses.
Happy belated, hope it was memorable.
Happy Birthday!
Holy balls where is that option!?
In the preferences, don't have Max in front of me to find out where exactly, but works perfectly
Ah found it, much better! Works like a dream.
2nd, It does have some issues, mostly with the shift key which depending on how annoying it is for you, you can work around it, but other problems crop up and they require even longer more convoluted work arounds...
THe problems and the work-arounds are covered in this thread:
Also some of the tools in max haven't been rewritten to accommodate the Maya Nav, so you run into some problems with tools that use Alt-click, or Alt-drag, mostly in anything that uses max's brush system. So some of the ribbon tools, viewport canvas, weight painting, object paint, vertex paint, push/pull deform, conform brush, that kind of stuff. The keyboard shortcuts that you use to control the brush size, opacity and hardness are the same ones that maya uses for navigation... opps.
To work around it, you have to bring up the brush options and adjust the settings there, which is kind of a pain if you're used to adjusting them on the fly while you're working without having to bother with another window.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Happy birthday!
You are a pretty awesome dude for letting people view the material for free.
this is for free, 600 slots only. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated upon course completion.
An thank you guys for all the kind comments