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Problem with crydev forum

Hello guys,

I have a problem with the crydev.net forum. I need a login to use the cryeditor but I lost my password so I used the 'Lost my password' option. No mail was received. I tried creating a new account with my gmail-account, no mail was received. I tried creating a new account with my girlfriends university-account, no mail was received.

I'm really desperate guys. I tried 'contact us' but they did not respond. I posted something on their facebook page but they did not reply. I just saw on their facebook that someone else is having exactly the same problem. Really frustrating!

It may be strange to ask for help on this forum but this really is my last resort. Is there someone here who has an account at crydev.net and is willing to post a link to this topic on their forum? This is the link to their support forum.

My username at crydev is Vince187

I would really appreciate the help guys, thanks in advance!!!!



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