Last Days
Hey everyone! I am the Half-Owner of Voidwalker Studios, an Indie Game Development team. We are currently working on a Zombie game and we need a bigger team.
What is Last Days?
Last Days is an Open-world Zombie Survival Sandbox game.
What Engine(s) will the game be using?
Last Days is currently using Unreal Engine 4 as the primary engine. We will be building the game in this engine. For terrain, when we are funded, we plan on purchasing a license to the Voxel Farm engine (
For now I will just post our GDD, keep in mind we are still working on this
So, now the last question is, what do we need in our team? Below is a list
In the brackets is the amount of that job we currently have out of the wanted amount, we can go over that max amount if needed.
We need:
3D Modellers[1/3]
Texture Artists[0/2]
Concept Artists[0/4]
Audio Designers[1/2]
Web Designers[1/3]